If I understand the post correctly I think marcuserroneous is asking whether the king/baron go to the player who 'completes" the feature - in the same sense that a player obtains resources (in T&B) by "completing" a city - even your city. Or, does the player have to complete and score a feature in order to get the king/baron? We have always played with the same sense of "completion" as for resources. This makes it advantageous to complete someone else's feature and we like that aspect of the game.
But I don't know that our interpretation is necessarily correct now that I see the question asked. Ruling please Matt?
I linked to the ruling! Here it is in full:
Question: Who gets the King, the player with the biggest city, or the player with the highest scoring city?
Answer: The player who completes the biggest city, that is, the city which consists of the most land tiles, receives the King. This is still the case when another smaller city earns more points through pennants or the cathedral.
The same is true of roads and the Robber Baron.I don't have a ruling which clarifies that this completion is the same as the completion of a city for resources, or even the same as the completion of a feature (without scoring) to place a follow in Carcassonne City. But I really don't think one is necessary. 'Completion' means just that. The very fact that scoring is not mentioned as a requirement, either in the rules or this FAQ, should be enough. If you want, though, we can add that to the
list of questions for HiG…Is the third issue (placement of bonus tile) confusing because in the rules (CAR and paper rules) all the examples that show how the builder works display bonus tiles that are, or can be, placed adjacent to the feature being extended by the first tile?
You might be right there. But illustrations never show the full extent of a rule…
In a later edition of the rules an example could be created that showed a tile obviously different from the others thus avoiding this confusion.
In the original rules or the CAR? So far I've only used original illustrations in the CAR—in fact, the whole thing is meant to be translations, not recreations. If I start putting together my own illustrations, first of all it will require a lot more work, and secondly the coherence of the whole would be undermined. But I might find room for a footnote