Yes, I know that there exists the fan-expansion titled "Trebuchet". But I have known this only after I've made my own one, so let me call it "trebuchet" too. Maybe, someone will offer a new title.
Some tiles contains a new feature - the trebuchet.
Q: What we use the trebuchet for?
A: To do harm to cities, even to destroy cities (maybe cloisters/cults too).
How it works?
Every player got a number of Fire Projectile tokens. In his turn player can place a follower on the trebuchet (on any free trebuchet on the board!) - let's call such follower a
Shooter. Then the player has several additional actions per turn:
1) flinging the projectile;
2) place another follower on the same trebuchet tile (up to 2 followers on the one trebuchet).
3*) place a trebuchet tile and make immediately fling;
The trebuchet works just like the Tower: it can shoot only orthogonally at the distance from 2 up to 1+number of shooters - the flinging area. It means that the trebuchet can not do harm to adjacent tiles, 'cause the min distance is 2 (no shooter = no flinging).
The flining is a placing of the Fire Projectile token on some city tile within the flinging area. The token remains on the tile till the game's end. This tile is
damaged and the city itself is
damaged too.
Effect of the Fire Projectile
1) During the game:
- damaged tiles are not counting when scoring;
- a complete city with all tiles damaged is
- a comlete 2-tiled city with at least the one damaged tile is destroyed (the token must be placed on both tiles);
- a knight on the damaged tile can run away from the fire to any free and undamaged tile of the same city; if there are no such tiles the knight returns to the supply;
- a knight may escaped from the damaged city at the end of a player's turn if the damaged tile borders a Cloister on any side (even diagonally);
- an incomlete damaged city scores no points at the end of the game;
2) Farm Scoring:
- destroyed cities scores nothing for farms;
- damaged cities scores -1 for every damaged tile to normal scoring;
3) Expansions:
- a trebuchet can do no harm to castles;
- a trebuchet can do no harm to the Count of Carcassone;
- a trebuchet can do no harm to Dragon or Princess;
- a trebuchet can do no harm to Teacher or School;
- the fair leaves a running-away knight and returns aside of the board;
- a builder also can run away from fire the same way as a knight;
- if a tile with trader's goods icon is damaged then the completing of this city doesn't give player a goods token (you should place Fire token on the goods icon);
- the Cathedral rules has not worked since the Cathedral tile is damaged;
- a city both besieged and damaged scores the following way for farms: first, counts the normal city value (3 or 4 w/pig), then the sum is subsctructed by the number of damaged tiles and only then the result is doubled;
- a shooter can be captured by a tower (but only one shooter per turn, even if there are two shooters on the same tile);
- a shooter can be eaten by Dragon (Dragon can eat all shooters on the tile);
- the Fair can protect a shooter(-s);
- the large meeple is counting as two normal meeples for flinging; you can not place large meeple and normal meeple on the same tile together.
Completing a trebuchet
Trebuchet is
complete (or surrounded) when all 8 tiles next to it orthogonally and diagonally are placed (the same as cloisters). Then shooters return back to their supply.
If a player complete his own trebuchet then he has the last fling chance.
If a player place a trebuchet tile which fits a hole then he can place a tile, make a fling and only then complete a trebuchet.
Completing trebuchet scores no points.
A player can not place follower on a completed trebuchet.
Number of tiles and tokens
Number of tiles - 12.
Number of tokens:
5-6 players - 4 per player
4 palyers - 5 per player
2-3 players - 6 per player
Graphic (sketch):