Does anyone know if these will be sold on-line anywhere? And if they send internationally?
They will be sold on-line in all the usual places where other Carcassonne expansions are already being sold on-line. Any FLGS that sells on-line will be selling these on-line. I would expect our very own Carcatronn will be selling these in his on-line Carcassonne Shoppe. Cundco will probably have them too for those in Europe.
Maybe some offtopic, but You know anything about compilation with pest, tunels, 1st corn circles? Some dates or some info?
As was already mentioned by Khonnor83, that compilation will be released by RGG this spring. Like Sekim, I wouldn't expect HiG or others to release anything similar. Plague and Tunnels are easily available through Spielbox, and Corn Circles is easily available through Cundco.