I was thinking it would be interesting to include a 1 point bonus for each of the intersections that have a house (village), as they represent places where the fisherman can sell his fish.
Yesterday I tried to play with this rule and I must say that I liked. Add it in the next revision. Thanks for the help.
On Saturday I bought Bridges, Castles, and Bazaars and I want to add a fish for every bazaar connected to a lake, whether it be inside or outside a city.
The idea of using a token instead of meeple is both good and bad. Good in that he has to stay there for the whole game and it's not like tieing up a meeple, bad because any player can only claim one lake if he has only one token. I would be inclined to not use tokens but rather the regular meeples. Also, once the "trade route" is completed then the fisherman is scored and returned to the player. Then it's not tied up for the whole game.
I thought it best to use a meeple instead of the token, but as it is structured not think the points system work, you could instead use the token when you place a tile lake, decide once and caught another card if the angler to move on another lake, the fish will take it as a reward for what has been completed.
Aspect of your opinions, and if someone wants to help with testing I would be very grateful.