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Author Topic: plgue random questions  (Read 8906 times)
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« on: August 19, 2011, 07:05:24 pm »

1- is it possible to spread the plague in Carcassonne City(expn the count)
2- is it possible to spread the plague on the Wheel of Fortune(from WoF)
3- is it possible to be UNABLE to place an infection token at the start of a turn of a player??
     ...can it be repeated many times if the configuration of the board do so??
4- when there is 2 active plague, and the 18th token is placed, the lowest plague tile is overturned with all his inft. tokens Right??
     thus far, with the remaining active plague, we are only switching the inactive tokens from connected lower plague tiles TO an active plague on the active side of the token, Right??
5- if a plague spread on the edge of an inactive plague... with the (theorical) switching inactive tokens to the active plague... is it possible that we pass through the temporaly "blocked infestation"??
6- the dragon does not die from the infection tokens Right hein!?!?
7- do the fairy protect the tile from the infestation??(no of course...)
8- do the follower who take a flight have a certain limit to be moved from the plague//can we move farther a follower far away from a plague to avoid the trap of a tower or the dragon, or... hummm... the catapult... :S


LCF = 57 + 3!!!

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2011, 04:09:13 pm »

1 - since the dragon is not allowed into the city, I would say the plague is not allowed either.
2 - I suspect the Wheel of Fortune is similarly protected
3 - because a new tiles is placed each turn, there should always be another tile to spread the plague to
4 - yes
5 - if you connect an active plague to an inactive plague, any orthogonally connected inactive fleas are reactivated
6 - the rules always talk about followers, which suggests that neutral figures are not affected, but I think an official ruling is needed (daffodil)
7 - the fairy only protects against the dragon unless HiG says otherwise
8 - followers can only escape within the feature they are located on, and you can only move your followers during your own turn; moving followers to escape things besides the plague is not technically correct, but could be an added bonus if away from the tower/dragon also happens to be further away from the plague then the movement could be justified on those grounds
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 01:59:55 pm by Scott » Logged


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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2011, 09:19:35 am »

thank you!

LCF = 57 + 3!!!

13 man on the field IS a penalty!!!!!(10 yards, automatic 1st down)

A match can never be ended on a defensive penalty!!!

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« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 02:09:58 pm »

My copy of The Plague is in the post, and having just had a look at the CAR, I have some questions.

During their turn, each player should take a flea token from the supply and place it active side face up on a tile which is adjacent (horizontal or vertical, not diagonal) to the plague source, and which does not yet have a flea on it. As play continues, one may alternatively place a flea on a tile adjacent to one with an active flea token.

Just to confirm, this means that the second flea token does not have to be adjacent to the plague source, just to the first flea token, and so on, right?


Another infestation
When a player draws and places another plague source tile, the infestation token with the next highest number is placed on it.

Earlier, it says the first plague tile should have the infestation token with the No. 1 placed on it. Does that mean that No. 6 would always be the second infestation token played, then No. 5 etc, or am I reading this wrongly? Seems a bit strange.

Does this also mean that the first time you run out of flea tokens, the first infestation to become eradicated would always be the first one that was begun, because it has the No. 1 infestation token and is thus the token with the lowest number currently in play?


It is also possible to break the 'chain' of fleas by choosing to move one of them.

Does this mean moving active flea tokens? I see that you can move active flea tokens if all tokens are part of the same epidemic. Is that the only situation in which you can move an active flea token or are there others?


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« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2013, 03:36:40 pm »

Flea tokens just have to be adjacent to other flea tokens.

Another infestation: "with the next highest numer" stands for the next number in natural order: after "1" you take "2" and so on. Also when eradicating the first will be "1", then "2" and so on.


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« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2013, 01:44:49 am »

It is also possible to break the 'chain' of fleas by choosing to move one of them.

Does this mean moving active flea tokens? I see that you can move active flea tokens if all tokens are part of the same epidemic. Is that the only situation in which you can move an active flea token or are there others?


Yes, this is the only situation when you can move active flea tokens.
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