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Author Topic: Time based game instead of Tile based game.  (Read 12429 times)
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« on: August 08, 2011, 12:42:55 pm »

Hi all,

Our group is going to be playing a time based game instead of a tile based game, have any of you don this?
What is the best way to end the game? at the end time exactly or allow for another "last turn" around the table?

We will be playing 6pm till 12pm, I expect the time to expire before the tiles, I will be posting pictures, dont worry.



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« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 07:46:49 am »

I'd set a time limit and when the time is over just continue the final round untill all payers had equal amount of turns.

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« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 11:51:04 am »

If you have an actual buzzer that you can set, that would be ideal. When the buzzer goes off you finish the round back to the original starting player.

The buzzer is a little more definitive.

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« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 01:46:02 pm »

We did something kind of like this when we had dual table carc action. We had two carc tables running at once, so when the first table finished the second table had a max of 10 minutes to complete the placement of their tiles. By the third game both tables wanted to finish quickly because after the first two they saw how much it sucked trying to rush all your tiles down in the last few minutes Wink

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« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 02:07:37 pm »

Here is a thought. Sometimes in a time based game, a person in the lead will play slower to maintain their point advantage.

When the time is up, have a random end game trigger. For example, it could be a d20 roll after each round and a 1 would be the end of the game. Another option is to escalate the opportunity to end the game. For example...

Timer goes off
Play a full round - Roll 1 D20 (On a 1 the game is done)
Play another full round - Roll 1 D20 (On a 1-2 the game is done)
Play another full round - Roll 1 D20 (On a 1-3 the game is done)

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« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2011, 08:05:28 am »

Here is the final pic.

We played for 6 hours.
Play felt kinda slow because there was alot of fellowship happining and only a few were in the carcazone until the end then everyone started to get into the carcazone when farming became important.



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« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2011, 10:20:05 am »

Wow, that looks really cool.  Got any more pictures or info?  What expansions are you using?  Is that a church group?

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« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2011, 11:55:37 am »

It was not a church sponsored event but it was held at the church, not all the people there belong to the church we played at.

I took a picture every hour. I will get them up.
We were playing with 8 or 9 people.

There were 4 base sets wof tiles and 10th tiles. So 6 base sets.
We played with 2 sets of t&b and called the resources worth 20 points at the end instead of 10.

We just sort of threw in a bunch of tiles, i was not running the game so i did not keep good records.
We did not have many tiles left at the end but we stuck to our guns about the time limit.

Is there a software to keep track of carc score?


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« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2011, 01:40:44 pm »

Looks like a fun game.

I use a spreadsheet to track all of my games.  Helps me track which expansions I use often and which ones get overlooked.  I'm a bit OCD in that I also take pictures of each game I play and hyperlink them to the spreadsheet.  Seems like overkill to many I play with, but you probably wouldn't find many of them on this forum either...

Here's a link to the spreadsheet I use:

Obviously you would need to adapt it to match the expansions you have and the information you want to capture.  I left a tab in the spreadsheet with a few examples of games I have played.  There probably is a software program for doing this but I find it easy to just print a blank template page, write in the scores, then later enter them into Excel after playing several games.

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« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2011, 01:56:45 pm »

Nice spreadsheet.

I am a bit of an Excel Geek and have recently created a spreadsheet to help me track some of the things I am OCD about. It can automatically refresh a tab with revised collection data from BoardGameGeek and links to another tab with my augmented data.

 705: Total collection size including all owned entries in BGG Database
-003:   Remove entries for miscellaneous accessories
-002:   Remove entries for books
-044:   Remove entries for items I am trading away
-243:   Remove expansions
 413: Number of games that I own and want to keep
-005:   Remove entries for standard playing card games
-003:   Remove entries for standard dice games
-002:   Remove entries for dominoes games
-012:   Remove entries for Decktet games
-075:   Remove entries for Icehouse games
 316:Number of games that I own that are not part of a rules system
-004:   Remove entries for Print & Play games
-001:   Remove entries for Print & Proxy & Play games
 311: Actual number of commercial games I own

I am building a collection utilization tab to track plays / collection. I am also looking to log plays and win stats to award goofy little prizes to our game group members. I know...
...I am VERY OCD. Smiley

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« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2011, 02:26:48 pm »

Looks like a fun game.

I use a spreadsheet to track all of my games.  Helps me track which expansions I use often and which ones get overlooked.  I'm a bit OCD in that I also take pictures of each game I play and hyperlink them to the spreadsheet.  Seems like overkill to many I play with, but you probably wouldn't find many of them on this forum either...

Here's a link to the spreadsheet I use:

Obviously you would need to adapt it to match the expansions you have and the information you want to capture.  I left a tab in the spreadsheet with a few examples of games I have played.  There probably is a software program for doing this but I find it easy to just print a blank template page, write in the scores, then later enter them into Excel after playing several games.

That spread sheet is good if you only have 6 people that ever play, Maybe I will make a spreadsheet...I looove spreadsheets.


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« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2011, 11:07:20 am »

Nice spreadsheet.

I am a bit of an Excel Geek and have recently created a spreadsheet to help me track some of the things I am OCD about. It can automatically refresh a tab with revised collection data from BoardGameGeek and links to another tab with my augmented data.

Is the spreadsheet something you'd be able to share with the group?  I'd like to see where I can make improvements to mine.  Smiley

That spread sheet is good if you only have 6 people that ever play, Maybe I will make a spreadsheet...I looove spreadsheets.

I agree it's not the best for tracking when you have many different players that switch in and out.  We typically play with the same group, so I included names for our "regulars", with notes or edits to the player name field (along with the game # they played in) for non-regulars.  I may blow away the King, Robber Baron, etc. section to add more room for different players...
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