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Author Topic: Board Games - What is hitting your table?  (Read 90320 times)
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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #75 on: December 12, 2011, 01:22:46 pm »

I've been playing a lot of Munchkin and Flash Point: Fire Rescue lately.  A little bit of Pandemic too.  This is mostly because I don't own many games.  Really liking Flash Point.  My little group finally beat the advanced version last night after several attempts over the past couple weeks.  We nearly saved all ten victims and lost the last one just before we could rescue him.  I think we like it a little better than Pandemic probably just because we got it first.  I'm pretty sure I'll like Pandemic a lot more when I get the expansion... eventually.

We are really enjoying Munchkin and I've got the bug, so I keep getting expansions here and there.  My birthday was this week so I rounded out most of the base set expansions and "regular" booster packs.  We enjoy it quite a bit.  

Tonight is my Board Game Night at the FLGS.  I think I'm going to play Settlers of Catan.  Most of my group have only played what I've showed them so far so everything is new.  I figure everyone has to play Catan, right?  Last week we played Flash Point and the week before we played Ticket to Ride.  It's going pretty well so far.

This week I have been playing some Cribbage on and off with my mom. She is here for an extended visit and this is a family favourite.
My mother loves Cribbage.  She plays it quite often with her card game buddies.

2nd Annual WSOP November Nine Blind Bid Poker Grindfest
I'm intrigued, what is that?
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 01:50:47 pm by CKorfmann » Logged

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #76 on: December 12, 2011, 02:56:45 pm »

Hmm... Railways of the World appears to resolve what I didn't like about Ticket to Ride. I think I'll be adding it to my wish list.

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #77 on: December 12, 2011, 03:03:33 pm »

Hmm... Railways of the World appears to resolve what I didn't like about Ticket to Ride. I think I'll be adding it to my wish list.

I don't know anything about Railways.  What was it you didn't like about TTR?

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« Reply #78 on: December 12, 2011, 03:07:29 pm »

2nd Annual WSOP November Nine Blind Bid Poker Grindfest
I'm intrigued, what is that?

Are you familiar with Texas Hold'em and the World Series of Poker? If so, I can explain how we have created a format that mirrors the November Nine (Final table of the annual WSOP). It is really quite fun. Cheesy

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« Reply #79 on: December 12, 2011, 03:11:37 pm »

Ticket to Ride is an excellent beginners "euro" game. But Railways blows Ticket to Ride away for strategy and different approaches to win.  I like Railways scoring system, over T2R, because only one thing is hiding (Baron Cards vs all routes) and you can mitigate that factor by taking a good 7+ point lead with strong play.
Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #80 on: December 12, 2011, 03:26:22 pm »

Ticket to Ride is an excellent beginners "euro" game. But Railways blows Ticket to Ride away for strategy and different approaches to win.  I like Railways scoring system, over T2R, because only one thing is hiding (Baron Cards vs all routes) and you can mitigate that factor by taking a good 7+ point lead with strong play.

Sounds interesting.  I'll have to take a look at it.

Are you familiar with Texas Hold'em and the World Series of Poker?

Texas Hold'em - yes, WSOP - not so much.

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« Reply #81 on: December 12, 2011, 04:44:07 pm »

The WSOP is the World Series of Poker played in Las Vegas every year. It is a high profile Non Limit Texas Hold'em Freeze out tournament. The have a very large field of players that play down to 9 players. The 9 final table players then go back to Vegas in November to play what is called the November 9. This in reality is just the culmination of the main poker event. All of the chips from all of the players in the main event wind up in the stacks of the final 9 players. Our event mirrors the November Nine table set up and blind structure. Here is the posting from our personal site that gives the details to the event:

2011 WSOP Blind Bid Event

----- Format -----
This is the re-enactment of the November Nine final table 2011 WSOP Main Event and as such there will be different chip stacks in a certain order on the table. This will be the same format that I ran last year with a blind bid system in place for players to submit their bids in advance of the game. High bid gets high stack, and so on. This will be a deep stack, game of Texas Hold'em. The blind structure is tuned to be about a 8-10hr game of poker. An epic game for our annual gathering. This is also a potluck so please prepare to bring some food for sharing. Kathy and I will be preparing a slow cooker full of spiced pulled pork.
This year's game will be held on Saturday, December 10th and will be an all day event, same as last year.

----- WSOP Player Roster -----
Here are the Actual WSOP players, their stacks, and their seating assignments for this year's event...
40,175,000...Martin Staszko (SEAT 9)
33,925,000...Eoghan O'Dea (SEAT 3)
24,750,000...Matt Giannetti (SEAT 1)
23,875,000...Phil Collins (SEAT 4)
20,875,000...Ben Lamb (SEAT Cool
19,700,000...Badih Bounahra (SEAT 2)
16,425,000...Pius Heinz (SEAT 7)
13,825,000...Anton Makiievskyi (SEAT 5)
12,375,000...Sam Holden (SEAT 6)    

----- Blind Structure -----
We will be starting our tournament at level 36 of the official blind structure. The only difference is that Vegas runs these levels for 2 hours, and our levels will be set to 45 minutes. We will take a break after each two levels of play.
36 - 50,000 - 250,000  /  500,000
37 - 75,000 - 300,000  /  600,000
38 - 100,000 - 400,000  /  800,000
39 - 150,000 - 500,000  /  1,000,000

Remove 25,000 Chips

40 - 200,000 - 600,000  /  1,200,000
41 - 200,000 - 800,000  /  1,600,000
42 - 300,000 - 1,000,000  /  2,000,000
43 - 300,000 - 1,200,000  /  2,400,000
44 - 400,000 - 1,500,000  /  3,000,000
45 - 500,000 - 2,000,000  /  4,000,000
46 - 500,000 - 2,500,000  /  5,000,000
47 - 1,000,000 - 3,000,000  /  6,000,000

----- Prize Pool -----
Payouts will be top 3 spots and the payout percentages are as follows: 60%, 30%, & 10%. The actual payout amounts will not be known until we know what the top 9 bids are. Remember, we have more people bidding this year so the total pot and prize pool are likely to be higher. I want to remind everyone that this is a FUN SOCIAL event and must be treated as such. Great thing about our group is that the stakes do not interfere with the friendship and respect. I cherish that and want to make sure we keep it that way. Smiley

----- Bid Process -----
OK Poker Peeps, the Bidding is NOW OPEN! (This was posted on November 24th)

Remember: The Game is scheduled to occur on Saturday, December 10th, 2011 (ALL DAY)
( 1 ) Email your bid to BixbyPoker@x.y
( 2 ) Bids must be in Whole Dollar increments.
( 3 ) Minimum bid is $30.
( 4 ) In the case of a tie amount, the first bid received is given priority.
( 5 ) Choose your bid wisely, your first email is binding. Others will be ignored.
( 6 ) DO NOT discuss your bids with anyone, as there may be late comers to the party. I welcome that.
( 7 ) I will reveal all bids on Sunday, December 4th at 5pm. (Will post in this thread).
( 8 ) All bids are binding. You bid - You pay & play. (In the event there are more than 9 bidders, only top 9 pay & play).
( 9 ) All bids MUST BE EMAILED by noon on Sunday, December 4th. If there are not at least 9 bids. The event is canceled.
(10) Re-read these rules before posting any questions. I think things are spelled out quite clearly. Smiley

I will submit my bid right away so it will be the first bid and I will be bound to that bid. Also, by bidding first, I will not know other bids. Let's get this Grindfest rolling!!!

BID REVEAL (In the order of receiving the bids)
$116 Matt IN THE GAME - Ben Lamb (SEAT 8 )
$069 John DID NOT CUT IT
$083 Dwight IN THE GAME - Sam Holden (SEAT 6)
$122 Kathy IN THE GAME - Phil Collins (SEAT 4)
$050 Jason DID NOT CUT IT
$087 Devin IN THE GAME - Anton Makiievskyi (SEAT 5)
$111 Shawn IN THE GAME - Badih Bounahra (SEAT 2)
$099 Tim IN THE GAME - Pius Heinz (SEAT 7)
$060 Brad DID NOT CUT IT
$060 Carly DID NOT CUT IT
$126 Andy IN THE GAME - Martin Staszko (SEAT 9)
$123 Jen IN THE GAME - Eoghan O'Dea (SEAT 3)
$123 Richard IN THE GAME - Matt Giannetti (SEAT 1)

Average of All Bids: $89.73
Average of Winnings Bids: $110.00

$595 - 1st Place
$295 - 2nd Place
$100 - 3rd Place

Good luck. Have fun. Shuffle up and Deal!!!!

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #82 on: December 12, 2011, 09:46:17 pm »

Wow, that looks pretty interesting.  So for the people who didn't win a bid, did you still have something for them, or do they just not come?  Did you have a dealer or just deal with the button?

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« Reply #83 on: December 12, 2011, 11:00:58 pm »

Wow, that looks pretty interesting.  So for the people who didn't win a bid, did you still have something for them, or do they just not come?  Did you have a dealer or just deal with the button?

We revealed the bids a week in advance and the non-winning bidders did not attend. Next year, we are thinking of having a secondary game for them. No dealer, the button dealt.

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« Reply #84 on: December 13, 2011, 05:54:53 am »

Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers
Cargo Noir
Forbidden Island
Small World

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Guinness is Goodness

« Reply #85 on: December 13, 2011, 08:50:58 am »

Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers
Cargo Noir
Forbidden Island
Small World

What do you think of cargo Noir? I have heard mixed reviews about the game.

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« Reply #86 on: December 13, 2011, 09:09:40 am »

Played two 7-Player games of Cosmic Encounter last night. What a goofy, hectic, chaotic game. Smiley

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #87 on: December 13, 2011, 11:53:20 am »

Cargo Noir
What do you think of cargo Noir? I have heard mixed reviews about the game.

I saw that at the FLGS last night and wondered about it too.

Flee the fleas!

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« Reply #88 on: December 14, 2011, 08:06:14 am »

Played another game of Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel - Kursk 1943 last night. Played firefight #7. The Germans had a wounded Tiger tank on the field and sent a small group of tanks and an Opel truck to retrieve the tank. In the meantime, a group of Russian tanks moved in to prevent the rescue of the immobilized Tiger. I am really digging this game. I played the Germans last night and barely managed to get the off of the board to safety. Look forward to logging more plays.

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« Reply #89 on: December 15, 2011, 03:50:26 am »

What do you think of cargo Noir? I have heard mixed reviews about the game.

You know, it;s a nice and easy...quick game. It's easy to understand and still fun, but there;s not much to it. It begs to get an expansion made soon.

It''s easy to explain and understand, but you still interact with each other. The design is nice and all the material is top-notch.

- They should have done more with the theme...include cards like "snitch" or "bust" to 'attack' each other or something.
- They should have also given each 'family' like a special privilige or something.
- The drawing bag with the tiles is a b*tch to store in the box, unless you're willing to cut the insert.

- Nice, easy, quick game.
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