So, my wife and I have been traveling a lot this year and I got out of the habit of posting in this thread. Not sure if anyone actually reads this stuff or not, so it may not have been a big loss.

I thought I would catch up with at least posting my November plays thus far...
Played a game of
FITS. Think of it as a boardgame version of tetris. This is losing its luster for me and may soon hit the trade pile. It is light and accessible for non gamers, just leaving me a bit cold these days.
Another light game we played was
Tiki Topple. This has some depth to it, but not much. The components are great and it would be a great game to play with kids.
Managed to get a game of
Crokinole in. I love the game and would like to play it more. I think I need to organize a period gather with the express purpose to play the game if I want to play more.
We managed to get another playtest in of our game
"The Earth Shook". It is a light Mech battling game and I am pleased with how the playtests are going. The core rules work well and we are only making evolutionary tweaks at this point. This was a six player game that involved three teams of two.
A La Carte hit the table again. Silly. Fun. Light. Full of laughs.
I bought
That's Life in September after reading a brief review and I must say, it has been a great addition to our collection. It is easy to teach, plays with up to 6 people, and has some interesting decisions with a tiny dash of screw you. Played it again in November.
Sorry Sliders out and dusted it off. Played 5 games with my wife as a way to end an evening of gaming. Light, fun. Can probably be bought for quite cheap. WIll not get played often, but it is an ok dexterity diversion.
A quick game of
Flicking Football. I can see what this is a popular pub game.
Played a game of
Mexican Train Dominoes with my wife using some variant rules we learned on a recent trip. Fun game.
I won a copy of
Robber Knights a couple of years ago and felt I either needed to play it or sell it. I played it and I am glad I did. Fun game. I would like to play this with 3 or 4 players to see how that plays.
Some family visited from Alberta last weekend and my nephew requested a game of
Small World. I had not played it in awhile and set it up. We had four players. I forgot how much fun this game is. It is light and works as a good introductory "wargame" to people not used to conflict in most of the euro-style games. I need to play this more.
My nephew also schooled me in a game of
Kogworks. I think he is pretty good at abstract games. Next time we gather I must show him some of my abstract games.
The real treat for me was playing a game of
Rallyman. I like race games to begin with and this has some cool mechanics that simulate the feel of rally racing. This will hit the table again, soon.