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Author Topic: 7 sins/virtues  (Read 11576 times)
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« on: June 28, 2011, 11:24:06 am »

i've been thinking about the 7 sins/virtues

i think a set of 14 tiles

then i'm not sure after that:)

my ideas so far are that the tiles could be in like pairs each is the good/bad so you could have the virtue tile or a similar sin tile


all tiles with a 7 on and related cards that have some effect

maybe purity could be a city ccrf tile and act like the red/yellow pennant in families, so no one could link onto your "pure" feature,

anyone have any ideas?

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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2011, 11:25:08 am »

what are the 7 sins / virtues...Lol...don't even know them all !

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« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 11:28:44 am »

 wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility

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« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2011, 11:29:38 am »

so no purity:) doh

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« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2011, 01:07:23 am »

Well for patience you could use a simple ffff with a new graphic on it that doesn't do thinking is one must be patient to score their farmers.

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« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2011, 04:53:00 am »

diligence could be a builder theme (without the need for the builder)

Patience could be the feature scores (I dunno, double) but you have to wait till end of game scoring.

I like the idea of the sin/virtue being more general than just a specific feature

I dont know if it should be an icon on the border of a road/city so it effects both, or like an abbey so it could effect every connected feature, though this sounds like it might lead to unforseen problems.

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« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2011, 06:13:42 am »

Virtues should be "good" for the player
either helping to build the feature or score better etc.

Charity (according to Wikipedia) is about selflessness and abstinence, it reads like you could be immune to the princess' seduction, but what could it do if not playing with that expansion.

Sins should be bad for an opponent
either slowing them down or score worse etc.

Sloth is a tile that should inhibit the building of the connected feature somehow (no builder goes or something, but what if you aren't playing builders in that game.

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« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2011, 08:41:15 pm »

Gluttony could negate the extra points for the pig.

Kindness could work like the Count/City where you can put a follower aside to use later to gain points.

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« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 02:26:45 am »

Some of this departs a little from my first premise.

The 7 Contrary Virtues
Each tile has a blue circle icon with a white number corresponding to the virtue
Whenever a Virtue tile falls within the domain of a church it adds an extra 2 points over and above the usual 1.

1 humility ?
2 kindness ?
3 abstinence ?

4 chastity
the chaste Knight cannot be seduced by the princess (needs more)

5 patience
score the connected road/city double all points but not till the end of the game. so the followers must be patient and stay till the end of the game to score.

6 liberality
when counting for majority all colours and sizes are equal (no majority)

7 diligence
works harder (buider go?)

The 7 Deadly Sins
Each tile has a red circle icon with a yellow number corresponding to the sin
Whenever a Sin tile falls within the domain of a church instead of adding to the score of the church it subtracts 3 points.

1 pride
all followers on the connected city/road are worth 1 less when clculating majority (most followers would be worth 0, the big follower 1 the mayor all pennants-1 etc.

2 envy
swap the placed follower for another follower already deployed (that is not the same) the swapped follower must be either a different colour or have a different special ability (however you cannot swap for a piece that cannot be legally placed so swapping with a mayor so that it ends on a road is NOT allowed.)

3 gluttony.
The tile has a city that scores twice for any farm its connected to but it consumes so much that all other cities on the farm with the icon in it score one less.

4 lust ?
5 wrath ?

6 greed
providing it is a legal placement the deployed follower to this tile if deployed to the sin icon is claiming both the city and road features and is only returned to the supply when both are completed.

7 sloth
no tiles containing extra icons or features can be "directly" attached, no cloisters, cathedrals or pennants etc in the city no inns or wells etc on the road. this does not stop a "completely seperate" city with these features being connected to the sloth city however.

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« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2011, 07:53:44 pm »

2 envy
swap the placed follower for another follower already deployed (that is not the same) the swapped follower must be either a different colour or have a different special ability (however you cannot swap for a piece that cannot be legally placed so swapping with a mayor so that it ends on a road is NOT allowed.)

Actually, it is allowed to place the Mayor on any feature. He may only score points though on a city. On any other feature he has a value of zero but does represent ownership.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 09:03:13 pm by Carcking » Logged

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« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 05:39:25 am »

maybe some of the sins/virtues can protect/counteract against their counterpart.

Lust      Chastity
Gluttony   Temperance
Greed    Charity
Sloth     Diligence
Wrath   Patience
Envy     Kindness
Pride     Humility

Lust could act as the princess (doesn't seem very novel but its an idea) maybe any princess tile in a lust city is re-activated (mass seduction?)

Chastity could protect all knights in a city from lust or the princess.

Wrath can be about inward anger so civil war or feuds so something like a siege or . . .


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« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2011, 02:44:30 pm »

the city with this virtue only scores 1 point for any farm the temperate city is in, the pig farm doesn't add to this point, But every tile and pennant within the city score an extra point so each tile and pennant is worth 3, and if incomplete at end of game each tile and pennant is worth 2. this effect is added to with the cathedral making each tile and pennant worth 4, and even if incomplete with a cathedral at end game each tile and pennant is still worth 1 point. The temperate city can also withstand siege and is unaffected by this tile.

(civil war) a siege from within, but worse, each tile is worth 1 less as with the siege, but each pennant is worth 2 less, so if incomplete at end game each tile would be worth 0 and each pennant would be a negative point. If under siege from the outside this would compound things still further and would pull the score further down and similarly score 0 for tiles and -1 for pennants. If at end game it is incomplete it would score -1 for tiles and -2 for pennants.

Acting selflessly and completing another's feature whilst scoring nothing for oneself, you may then (as your move the wood action & provided you do not score this turn) deploy a follower to an unoccupied and incomplete feature.

This Virtue is unique in that you may legally deploy a follower to the city/road under ownership of another follower of any colour (even your own) They will 'Kindly' share what is theirs with you.

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« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2011, 03:15:00 pm »

Some sins/virtues can protect/counteract against other sins/virtues.

Lust      Chastity
Gluttony   Temperance
Greed    Charity
Sloth     Diligence
Wrath   Patience
Envy     Kindness
Pride     Humility

The 7 Deadly Sins
Each tile has a red circle icon with a yellow number corresponding to the sin
Whenever a Sin tile falls within the domain of a church instead of adding to the score of the church it subtracts 3 points.

1 pride
all followers on the connected city and road are worth 1 less when calculating for majority (most followers would be worth 0, the big follower 1 the mayor (all pennants -1).

2 envy
swap the placed follower for another follower already deployed (that is not the same) the swapped follower must be either a different colour or have a different special ability.

3 gluttony.
The tile has a city that scores twice for any farm that it's connected to but it consumes so much that all other cities on the farm with the icon in it score one less. so cities would be worth 2 each, though bonuses can still increase this.

4 lust
Lust seduces a knight from the city just as the princess and in addition, any princess tile within that city is re-activated and seduces another knight from that city unless there are none left (mass seduction).

5 Wrath
(civil war) a siege from within, but worse, each tile is worth 1 less as with the siege, but each pennant is worth 2 less, so if incomplete at end game each tile would be worth 0 and each pennant would be a negative point. If under siege from the outside this would compound things still further and would pull the score further down and similarly score 0 for tiles and -1 for pennants. If at end game it is incomplete it would score -1 for tiles and -2 for pennants.

6 greed
providing that neither feature has already been claimed (in which case you may only deploy to the unclaimed one) you may deploy your follower to the sin icon and claim both the city and road features together however though you will score each as they are completed you will only reclaim your follower when both have been.

7 sloth
no tiles containing extra icons or features can be "directly" attached, no cloisters, cathedrals or pennants etc in the city no inns or wells etc on the road. this does not stop a "completely seperate" city with these features being connected to the sloth city however.

The 7 Contrary Virtues
Each tile has a blue circle icon with a white number corresponding to the virtue
Whenever a Virtue tile falls within the domain of a church it adds an extra 2 points over and above the usual 1.

1 Humility
Acting selflessly and completing another's feature whilst scoring nothing for oneself, you may then (as your move the wood action & provided you do not score this turn) deploy a follower to an unoccupied and incomplete feature.

2 Kindness
This Virtue is unique in that you may legally deploy a follower to the city/road under ownership of another follower of any colour (even your own) They will 'Kindly' share what is theirs with you.

3 Temperance
the city with this virtue only scores 1 point for any farm the temperate city is in, the pig farm doesn't add to this point, But every tile and pennant within the city score an extra point so each tile and pennant is worth 3, and if incomplete at end of game each tile and pennant is worth 2. this effect is added to with the cathedral making each tile and pennant worth 4, and even if incomplete with a cathedral at end game each tile and pennant is still worth 1 point. The temperate city can also withstand siege and is unaffected by this tile.

4 chastity
All knights within this city cannot be seduced by Lust nor the princess.

5 patience
score the connected road/city double all points but not till the end of the game. so the followers must be patient and stay till the end of the game to score. the doubling occurs after the score for the city has been tallied.

6 liberality
when counting for majority all colours and sizes are equal (no majority). 3 red and 2 yellow and 1 green wagon all share this liberal city/road. though the wagon still moves on to the next connected unoccupied incomplete feature.

7 diligence
any time a this virtuous city is added to, a second turn may be had (just as a builder go).
However a third turn may not be achieved this way through the builders or the mage etc.)

All comments, questions, holes, flaws, or indeed any better suggestions.


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« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2011, 08:14:45 am »

« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 05:48:17 pm by Dave » Logged

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