I'm going through the list of AotC expansion ideas figuring out which ideas are worth pursuing. One of the ideas suggested was an equivalent to the shrines, but it was pointed out that AotC doesn't exactly have a cloister equivalent. Instead of cloisters, you have temples, which are scored differently. A temple is completed when all four sides are connected to other tiles, forming a cross pattern. The player with the most followers on the group of five tiles scores 7 points.
It occurs to me that the logical opposite of this mechanic is to employ the same scoring mechanism, but change the scoring value. Since there is no ownership of temples, there would also be no ownership of high places, so you can't simply award the points to a different player upon completion. I propose that if a High Place is completed before the adjacent Temple, that it imposes a score of negative 6 points against the eventual score of the Temple, so the player with the most followers on the group of five tiles scores only 1 point.
The rationale behind the numbers of course stems from the Bible:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_(number)#In_religionhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/666_(number)It looks like AotC comes with 4 temple tiles, so a High Places expansion would come with 4 high place tiles.