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Author Topic: Count and Follower Deployment Question  (Read 5161 times)
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« on: December 06, 2009, 11:09:37 pm »

I've always played the Count as when you score someone else points and you score none, then you may move a follower to the City of Carcassonne instead of placing a follower.

The CAR says you may deploy a barn, and as long as you don't score points, then you may also deploy a follower to Carcassonne. No where in the rules does it say that you can't deploy a follower to the tile that you place and to the City of Carcassonne.

Is this legal?  I'm sure this would be very hard to do, but essentially, you could play a tile on your builder and add a follower to that tile.  If that tile scores for your opponent, then you can also place a follower in Carcassonne?  Then with you extra turn, place another follower on a tile and score for your opponent and place yet another follower in Carcassonne?  You would have deployed 4 followers in a single turn!

CAR Clarification:
In version 5.0b6 of the CAR, question 68:
Question: Can followers in Carcassonne be redeployed to empty roads, cities, cloisters or farms?

Answer: Yes, and when an empty road, city, or cloister is completed, followers in the appropriate quarter of the
This was a confusing question, and the answer made it sound like the empty road, city, etc. is not completed.  Could we get the question changed for clarification? 

For example:
Can followers in Carcassonne be redeployed to empty roads, cities, cloisters or farms that are completed?
Can followers in Carcassonne be redeployed to completed roads, cities, cloisters or farms that are not yet claimed?
Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 11:23:12 am »

My understanding is that you can not play any pieces before putting a follower in Carcassonne.  I wonder if this is the old "follower" question coming up.  They might be suggestiong this since the builder, pig, and barn are not considered followers.  I'd be surprised though if that was the intention of the expanion author.  I would probably not play that way.

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« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2009, 10:39:42 am »

Can followers in Carcassonne be redeployed to empty roads, cities, cloisters or farms that are completed?

If you place a tile that finish an empty (without meeple) feature, you can send one of the followers from Carcassonne city to that feature and score it (if your follower is on the right quarter of the city and the count is not there). But will be better use one of your reserve meeples to do that. Take in mind that other players can do the same thing and fight for that empty feature.

Can followers in Carcassonne be redeployed to completed roads, cities, cloisters or farms that are not yet claimed?

Only in the same turn that the feature was completed.

When you talk about not claimed do you mean there are no meeples (empty) or that no player has score the feature yet?


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« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2009, 10:56:42 am »

Sorry, Elmendalerenda, those two questions were not actual questions, but merely suggestions for re-wording a poorly worded question from the CAR.  Although, you make a good point, the second question should probably read as unclaimed meaning that there are no meeples in that feature.

My understanding is that you can not play any pieces before putting a follower in Carcassonne.  I wonder if this is the old "follower" question coming up.  They might be suggestiong this since the builder, pig, and barn are not considered followers.  I'd be surprised though if that was the intention of the expanion author.  I would probably not play that way.
As far as I can tell from the RGG rules and in the CAR, you may deploy a follower to the tile that you just placed. And as long as you don't score any points, then you may ALSO deploy another follower to the City of Carcassonne and move the Count.
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