Though I don't want to flood the downloads page, should there be icons for official expansions a fan made may add to and/or require?
The icons will probably be too small to make sense. However, it would be good infomation to be included - and the best way to do that would be as text. If someone could make me a list, I'll insert the text ASAP.
Although, I was thinking that there should be an icon for expansions that use extra meeple.
Done. Meepleater, I would appreciate it if you could tell me which of your expansions require the new icon. Gwommy has also made an Oceans icon, but since that is currently within its own category, I figured we don't need it yet unless someone else develops a non-Oceans expansion with Oceans tiles.
I think Novelty's inclusion of the icon with some of those just means that it is possible to just use two of those tiles and have it still work just fine.
It says so in the index near the top:

indicates that the fan-made expansion can be played with only 2 new tiles.