I really like this idea. Although I like the idea that there is the same plague icon on each tile and that the plagues happen in a specific order when each plague tile is drawn. And I was also thinking about having effects of the plague work similar to the Wheel of Fortune where it affects everyone. This plague everyone has to remove a knight from a city, the next plague everyone removes a pig, just for a couple examples. But if this is better suited for AotC, then that's fine. I'll have to see if I can find the AotC thread through, because I don't think I've seen that.
So to get back on track with the suggestions listed by CKorfmann:
As long as there aren't too many rules, I'd say 12 is a good number.
- Possibly including the Drought and Pestilance expansion
Although I do think Natural Disasters should be its own expansion, these tiles do seem to fit quite well.
- Possibly including the Forest Fire tile
I'm against this one, especially since it was mentioned earlier to try not to include tile specific happenings from other expansions, so it should definitely not include tiles where you HAVE to use tiles from fan-based expansions, especially the large expansions like Forest.
A meteor seems quite random. Granted other things have been suggested for this tile, here's my idea:
Use a tile that has a meteor symbol on. Who ever draws this tile may place it as normal, but also remove a follower off the board from the player in first place and return it to their supply.
- Some sort of Eclipse tile
I like the idea of everyone having to remove a monk or heretic.
- A Flood tile (or tiles, or large tile)
I like the idea of it starting as 1x1, and then later replace it with 3x3. I'd skip having a 2x2 tile.
Although putting a gap in the board would be awesome, it would be too much work to physically do. I'd imagine it'd also cause many already completed features to become unfinished again, and it'd be too easy to re-score a ton of points with just a single tile. Since earthquake tend to be more sufficient at destroying towns, perhaps everyone having to remove a knight would be more appropriate.
Perhaps locusts can be like a princess tile except have it work for the farmers.
- A Tornado tile (or meeple)
I still like my orginal idea of using this as a meeple, or a wooden disc would probably work the best. And having it move similar to a dragon, except it transfers meeples to different sections rather than eating them.
- A Hurricane tile (similar to The Ocean - Turbulent Waters)
I vote against a hurricane tile. There are no oceans or large bodies of water around that are big enough to create a hurricane.