First all I thank everybody for the precious suggestions.
But another question arises from the CoC rules. When a player places the last tile of the game, each player deploys clockwise his followers from Carcassonne to any feature of the table. Does it mean that these followers can be placed also to some previously completed cities, roads, cloisters (scoring them again)
It seems wrong to me. Maybe we can place the CoC followers only to still UNCOMPLETE cities, road, cloisters. What about the farms? In those final rounds of placements at the end of the game, can I place a CoC follower only to farm without barn (concurring to the 3-points-per-citiy scoring) or also to a farm WITH a barn (concurring to a 1-point-per-citiy scoring)? What do you think?
As for the catapult and CoC: I’ve noticed that my question has been already collected in “Another round of questions for HiG”: nr. 18 “How do the knock-out and seduction tokens interact with the followers in the City of Carcassonne?”. Let’s hope for an answer … However, in my opinion, if we consider the ‘logic’ of the Count expansion, we must say that the placement of followers to the city and their deployment from there has unique, special conditions, different from the normal placement of followers and special figures: no “food fight” and no “seduction” should interfere with THAT special status.
A similar subject concerns the tower: can the tower capture followers inside the city? For the same reasons I’ve explained above I don’t think so but what is your opinion? What is the ‘common’ interpretation as far as you know?
Thank you again