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Author Topic: Count of Carcassonne ?  (Read 8487 times)
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« on: September 13, 2007, 08:08:08 am »

I have read many translations of the rules for using the count including mj's.  I am still unclear on one point.  In cases where a player(s) has/have more than one meeple in a section of the Carcassonne that is being scored or at the end of the game how does the placement of these meeples occur.  All at once, i.e. I have to move all my meeples from that section at once or can I place one then as other players place place my second then everyone else places and third, fourth so on.  In essence, do you have only one chance to move meeples from carcassonne to a feature either during the game or at the end, or does it go one by one in turn until all the meeples that you want to move are deployed?

Thank you

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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 07:02:07 pm »

You take turns placing them one at a time.

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« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 01:49:23 am »

This FAQ might help too:

Question: How does follower deployment during the final scoring work?

Answer: In principle very similarly to the way during the game. The ‘trigger’ for the final scoring is the player who played the last card and so ended the game.
Beginning with the player on the left of the ‘trigger’ player, each player deploys one of his or her followers from the city of Carcassonne to an appropriate feature [meeples in castle can only be deployed to cities, and so on] on the board. Followers can also be deployed to incomplete roads, cities, cloisters or farms, since these will also be scored at the end of the game. This process continues until no player can take any more players out of Carcassonne. The Count still blocks the city quarter in which he is resident. Normally the player with the most followers in Carcassonne will be the one to deploy the last figure.

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« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 10:59:36 am »

I also have a couple of questions on the Count:

1. At the end of the game, there's the process of scoring 'uncompleted' features, i.e. roads, cities and cloisters. 

The rules for The Count of Carcassonne state:

"If a feature is completed during the subsequent course of play, then before the calculation of the majority, all players may redeploy their followers from the appropriate city quarter to the feature being scored - with the exception of those followers in the same city quarter as the count)."
--Bold mine

So my query is - how can meeples be placed from the city during the scoring of 'uncompleted' features at the end of the game?

2. It's not clearly defined whether meeples are placed one at time, going round the players, or whether each player decides in turn how many they'll play on any given completed feature being scored?  My impression from the rules is the answer is the latter, i.e. first player decides to place one or more, then the second, and this proceeds round to the player who placed the tile. Followers wouldn't be placed one at a time (unless they had only one), and there wouldn't be any second round of placing for any given feature.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 11:08:38 am by Jambo » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2008, 04:19:51 am »

1. At the End of the game incomplete roads, cloisters & cities are scored. So for the scoring of roads, cloisters & cities at the end of the game you should read " incomplete" here. (see the FAQ mentioned)
For Farms the concept of complete or incomplete is not relevant. They are scored at the end of the game.

2. When scoring DURING the game each player decides in turn how many they'll play. and there is only one round which finishes with the player laying the tile.
When scoring AT THE END of the game each player can place none or one follower until "This process continues until no player can take any more players out of Carcassonne".



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« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2008, 06:45:40 am »

Ok, point 2 is sound. Thanks.

Re point 1, I actually meant 'incomplete'.  Embarrassed

Still, the point remains that the rules are explicit in stating that followers can only be placed on 'completed' features. That in itself seems contradictory to placing followers on incomplete features during the end game scoring.

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« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2008, 10:13:56 am »

In fact, based on the rules for the Count, I'd believe it works simply like this:

Followers placed on the Market area are the only followers that can be placed during the end game, and followers placed on the other three areas can only be placed during the game when those features can be completed.

However, the addition of the barn piece in A&M has slightly complicated matters regarding the Count and placing followers from the Market. This is because the barn enables farm scoring mid-game; something the original rules of The Count of Carcassonne didn't and couldn't have accounted for due to the A&M expansion coming out later.
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