Marquis Chevalier
Merit: 49
Posts: 2782
Custom Tile Maker
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2008, 06:44:30 pm » |
Should be able to score. I don't see why multiple barns will impact scoring for farmers connected up to barns.
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2008, 08:12:36 pm » |
I believe that multiple barns are allowed, as long as the barn is already in a farm that is then adjoined into a farm that already contains another barn. They are both scored at the end of the game in the usual way.
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2008, 10:21:05 pm » |
heres another question for A&M.. check out this scenario If I play the Abbey piece as shown does the abbey close off each city or does it connect the 2 cities into 1? as you can maybe tell I have my large red follower vs small grey follower. if it connects the cities then I get 12 points vs if it seperates the cities I get 8 and grey gets 8
Duke Chevalier
Merit: 45
Posts: 1538
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2008, 10:42:03 pm » |
The orange border around the abbey signifies that it cannot connect anything to anything. It is technically not a city piece, despite the resemblance. This is why the wagon may not traverse it, and why your two cities are not joined in that picture.
Marquis Chevalier
Merit: 49
Posts: 2782
Custom Tile Maker
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2008, 01:46:20 am » |
I agree with Scott. There are 2 cities in that picture. Both grey and red get points for the city - red gets 6 for the city (3 tiles) and grey gets 6 as well (2 tiles, 1 pennant). The abbey tile's orange border is not considered as part of the city for scoring purpose and that's why the 2 cities are not connected and you only get 6 points (instead of the 8 you suggested).
canada steve
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2008, 02:07:04 am » |
Guys both barns connected sort of cancel each other out for end scoring, unless one player has a pig on the farm as well. Now what I was questioning was if both players have barns on the same famr and one player manages to introduce a meeple farmer onto the farm again by tile placement would the fact that both players now own the farm make a difference to the scoring (1 point per city) or not ? I think it should make a difference as no-one actually controls the farm so no extra scoring should be allowed.
Canada Steve
Marquis Chevalier
Merit: 49
Posts: 2782
Custom Tile Maker
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2008, 05:27:56 am » |
I don't think it should make a difference if a farmer was extended onto a farm with more than one barn. The farmer will still score 1 point per city and get removed. Note that the rules doesn't differentiate between who owns the barn. I could extend a meeple farmer onto a farm with one or more of my opponents barns and still score 1 point per city, eventhough I don't own a barn on the newly created large farm.
Oh, the other thing to note is that farmers that get connected to barns only score 1 point per completed city... I presume you do know that...
You can however play with your house rule variant that no scoring is allowed if there are more than one barn on a farm if that's how you and your opponents wish to play.
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2008, 08:13:19 am » |
The orange border around the abbey signifies that it cannot connect anything to anything. It is technically not a city piece, despite the resemblance. This is why the wagon may not traverse it, and why your two cities are not joined in that picture.
that makes sense.. the rules that come in the box are not real clear I think. this helps alot thanks
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2008, 04:52:04 pm » |
yes that does help clarify the playing and scoring of the Abbey.
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2008, 07:08:58 pm » |
@Canada Steve The multiple Barns still score for their players at the end of the game - see this in the CAR.
"If several barns lie on a single farm through the placement of connecting tiles, each player receives the full score."
So they only "cancel out" when playing a two player game. I don't think this is the same as saying the farm is not controlled by anyone. IMHO it is controlled by those who have their Barns there, and they share the control.
Also, in the case of city scoring where there are two equal competing meeples and one of those has the Fairy standing with it, the meeple with the fairy gets the three point bonus even thought the city is contested. This is the closest similar situation I can think of to the Barn issue you raise.
canada steve
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2008, 12:30:45 pm » |
Yes sorry was alluding to a two player game. When both are on the same farm then the scoring doesnt really count, unless as I said one has the pig in there.
Canada Steve