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Author Topic: Special Start Tiles  (Read 14979 times)
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« on: June 21, 2009, 01:26:13 pm »

Hey guys, I had a moment to finally finish a small Carcassonne-related item I envisioned a few weeks ago. It is a set of start tiles for the various fan expansions. The should replace the normal start tile, but don't take away from the function of the start tile. I made these to remove that annoying "If you can't place the tile, return it to the bag" rule that seems to crop up partially because there are no established start tiles for the fan expansions. Unfortunately, these don't resolve the problem of multiple fan expansions, or mixing them, such as Forest and River or River and Mountains, but it does at least allow for one of those expansions to have a starting tile.

Since I had an extra space, I also included a tile that has to separate fields (using the art from Novelty's Whispering Woods expansion). In fact, I think all the custom art on these are from Novelty, and the Forest tile is a direct copy from the Forest expansion and the Mountain from the Mountains expansion, while the River is slightly modified to be a source tile with a no second castle (as was in the original). The two fields tile is an original using Novelty's art.

I just ask if someone would package this in a nicer format so it fits with the other expansions. Thank you!

File: Combined Start Tiles

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2009, 11:20:18 pm »

What if there was a start tile that was equal in size to four tiles fit together in a square?  It might be possible to then include all, or nearly all, the features that are available.  I was thinking about this a little when I saw the "single tile" City of Carcassonne somewhere.  I thought that was a good idea.

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Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2009, 01:41:55 am »

I thought this was part of the city of Carcassonne with a moat thing that you were talking about?  Or is it a different thing altogether?

I have found though that very rarely we draw a tile that cannot be placed in the games that I play.  There are very few WWWW tiles or SSSS tiles, all the other tiles have at least a non-forest/river edge to connect it to the edge of the playing area.  Granted, I haven't played with Mountains yet, but I don't think add that in the mix will hinder the tile placement too much.  There's only 1 MMMM tile anyways.  And of course, we allow for an infinite playing area (by moving the starting tile if need be) so drawing a tile that cannot be played has never cropped up (yet?).


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« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2009, 04:58:14 am »

I have found though that very rarely we draw a tile that cannot be placed in the games that I play.

That's weird. It's happened to me twice... Anyway, it was mostly just a little collection of tiles for use in fan expansions since with the addition of a new feature, the starting tile should be able to accommodate all situations.

What if there was a start tile that was equal in size to four tiles fit together in a square?

I've also thought of this one, but was rather worried that it may provide too much. I mean, with four tiles, I'd have to choose ones that still gave only a single castle, road, river, mountain, and forest, otherwise it would be worth double points, which could unbalance the start of the game. But it is possible. It would require good tile selection, to be sure, and perhaps one tiered field (like I arranged for these starting tiles) to make sure the starting field isn't getting too big. But first, I want to work on...

the city of Carcassonne with a moat thing that you were talking about

This little project is still on my list but not a priority, but it is a priority over any other Carcassonne project. Speaking of a "single tile" City of Carcassonne, where can I get that thing? I'd love to just use that for my moat, so then I don't have to worry about the borders of the tiles (except when I hit the edges).

'There is no place in a fanatic's head where reason can enter'.
- Napoleon Bonaparte I, Emperor of the French (1804-1814, 1815)
Marquis Chevalier

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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2009, 07:14:43 am »

Speaking of a "single tile" City of Carcassonne, where can I get that thing? I'd love to just use that for my moat, so then I don't have to worry about the borders of the tiles (except when I hit the edges).
It's somewhere on a public downloads page.  Try accessories or something.  There should be a graphic so you won't be able to miss it.


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« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2009, 02:02:34 am »

Speaking of a "single tile" City of Carcassonne, where can I get that thing? I'd love to just use that for my moat, so then I don't have to worry about the borders of the tiles (except when I hit the edges).
It's somewhere on a public downloads page.  Try accessories or something.  There should be a graphic so you won't be able to miss it.

It's in the Accessories section of the Public Downloads:
Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2012, 06:55:41 pm »

Hey guys, I had a moment to finally finish a small Carcassonne-related item I envisioned a few weeks ago. It is a set of start tiles for the various fan expansions. The should replace the normal start tile, but don't take away from the function of the start tile. I made these to remove that annoying "If you can't place the tile, return it to the bag" rule that seems to crop up partially because there are no established start tiles for the fan expansions. Unfortunately, these don't resolve the problem of multiple fan expansions, or mixing them, such as Forest and River or River and Mountains, but it does at least allow for one of those expansions to have a starting tile.

Since I had an extra space, I also included a tile that has to separate fields (using the art from Novelty's Whispering Woods expansion). In fact, I think all the custom art on these are from Novelty, and the Forest tile is a direct copy from the Forest expansion and the Mountain from the Mountains expansion, while the River is slightly modified to be a source tile with a no second castle (as was in the original). The two fields tile is an original using Novelty's art.

I just ask if someone would package this in a nicer format so it fits with the other expansions. Thank you!

File: Combined Start Tiles

File not found. If you still have the image, maybe you can upload it to the forum downloads area.


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« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2013, 01:54:12 pm »
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 02:11:37 pm by Purity » Logged
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