I just came up with this idea to use the dice in a normal game (including the catapult tiles) and I didn't know if I had to put it here or in the expansion section. Since it doesn't use any custom tiles or bits, I decided to put it here. For obvious reasons I haven't been able to test this yet of coarse but here comes a first draft:
What you need:
Catapult tiles
Carcassonne the dice game
How to play:
Put the dice into a bag and lay them aside.
Mix the catapult tiles together with the other tiles.
When a player draws a catapult tile, he proceeds with the standard tile laying rules. Then he gets to draw a die from the bag and roll it. There are 3 possible outcomes:
1. Diceeple
2. City segments
3. Catapult
Explanation of the 3 possible outcomes:
1. Rolling a Diceeple means that you can use the die as a regular Meeple as follows:
- Put the Diceeple onto a city which already has 1 of your meeples and just place the Diceeple directly under your meeple. (Since Diceeples are black, this is a way to determine who the Diceeple belongs to). When determining who a city belongs to, the Diceeple counts as a regular meeple. The Player with the most meeples scores the city.
- Put the Diceeple onto a road which already has 1 of your meeples and just place the Diceeple directly under your meeple. (Since Diceeples are black, this is a way to determine who the Diceeple belongs to). When determining who a road belongs to, the Diceeple counts as a regular meeple. The Player with the most meeples scores the road.
- Put the Diceeple onto a farm which already has 1 of your meeples and just place the Diceeple directly under your meeple. (Since Diceeples are black, this is a way to determine who the Diceeple belongs to). When determining who a farm belongs to, the Diceeple counts as a regular meeple. The Player with the most meeples scores the farm.
- You cannot use a diceeple as a Monk
2. Rolling city segments means that the player can put the die on any uncompleted city on the board with the rolled city segments side up. There doesn’t need to be a meeple on the city. When a player scores a city with a city segment die on the city, each city segment counts as additional 2 points for that city. The only difference between a city tile and a city die is that on a tile you score points for the tile and not for each segment when it’s attached to the same city.
3. Rolling a catapult means that the player needs to withdraw one of his meeples.
After a feature is scored, the meeples return to their players and dice return to the dice-bag.
When a player draws a catapult tile and there’s no die left in the bag, the player has the possibility to move one of his diceeples around by taking it away underneath one of his meeples and placing it underneath one of his other meeples. If the player has no possibility to do so, then he’s just in bad luck. (The lack of dice could be prevented by buying 2 sets of dice of coarse

Dice stacking is not allowed
These new games are scheduled to be released in Feb 2011 , so I hope I can test this really soon