- This is an expansion aimed (ha ha) primarily at those who have The Catapult and want to use the tiles but not the actual catapult.
- This is raw and not playtested at all and contains some language that probably should be put in more "official" terms. As such, suggestions/criticisms welcomed.
- This was based upon a suggestion started by Steph Mabie on boardgamegeek.com
For this expansion, you will use the tiles that came with The Catapult but not the catapult itself. You will also need up to twelve markers of some sort (chits, glass stones, small poker chips, etc.)
It's fair time in Carcassonne and the fair brings wonderous things to the land. However, sometimes these come at a cost. Have fun, but beware!!!
After a tile with a Fair symbol is placed, place one of the markers on the tile. This is an unclaimed marker. Whenever a player deploys one of his Meeples on a feature that is connected to a Fair symbol with an unclaimed marker, he/she may claim the marker. Place the marker under/next to the Meeple to indicate that the marker is claimed.
Whenever a Meeple with a claim marker is removed from the board and that Meeple scores, the owning player receives two points. If the Meeple is removed from the board and does not score (including at game end), the owning player loses one point. Either way, the claimed marker is also removed from the board.
ClarificationsSituationsJust to flesh out a bit when you would receive/lose the points.
Eaten by Dragon - lose a point.
Captured by Tower - lose a point
Removed from City due to Princess - lose a point
Heretic/Monk losing a challenge - lose a point
On unfinished Road with Inn/City with Cathedral at game end - lose a point
On feature when it is completed & scored - gain/lose point(s) depending on whether you scored points (including if you scored via the Fairy)
On feature when it is scored at game end - gain/lose point(s) depending on whether you scored points
TilesThe Fair symbol is the yellowish area on the tile. On the attached image, the Fair touches:
1 - the road only
2 - the rightmost road and field
3 - the field and the city
4 - the field and the city
5 - both roads and both fields
6 - the topmost road and city
7 - the field and the city
8 - the city
9 - the field
10 - both roads and both fields
11 - the cathedral and both fields
12 - the field and the city
Note - I have no idea whether the Fair symbol in actual play separates these features in the way that I have described.