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Author Topic: Getting people deeper in the game  (Read 7185 times)
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« on: November 26, 2008, 09:05:58 am »

As far as I can, I'm introducing the game to family and friends. So last Sunday evening I played 3 games with my wife, brother-in-law, sisters-in-law and father-in-law.
In the first game we only used the base set because some of the folks were only playing for the second time. It all went well, the guys learned the basic rules and my brother-in-law, who was just playing for the second time, won.
In the second game, we used also the King and Scout, Cult, River #1, 2 sets of River #2 and I&C expansions. K&S made a lot of success because everyone tried to make the longest cities and roads that they could get. My brother-in-law had the chance to close a 7-tile city, but didn't because to get the king he needed a 8-tile city. Unfortunately (for him Wink ) he didn't succeed and the city remained opened until the end. The cult expansions didn't quite succeed because as I stated on other threads some of my family don't like to play aggressive and avoided challenges. Only one was started (of course begun by me) but didn't come to an end because the right tile didn't come out. Pity! Pity! Anyway we had more 5 cult places than the usual 6 cloisters. Interesting. To play with a long long river is fun, because it's like playing two games: the river and the rest. People like the river a lot, maybe because it's different gameplay. As soon as I get my blank tiles I'll go for the Fisherman expansion. I can hardly wait. (Well... first I'll plant some forest Wink ) The I&C also did good mostly because of the inns extra scoring and the big meeple management in order to still cities from each other. One of my sisters-in-law who didn't understand most of the game rules was helped and in the end she won by a lot of points. Needless to say that she now loves the game and knows the basic rules. My brother-in-law just called me to say he was going to buy the basic set.
In the third game nothing special came up, except for the fact of the hanger of my father-in-law because he was waiting to get a city closing tile and only got road tiles. Well... at least he got the Scout. Smiley
It's funny how I rarely win a game in spite of knowing the rules and strategy better than the others. But because of this fact people help each other and play against me. Sad Anyway I get better results when I play agressive and the others don't like it at all) I think that's why.
This game is making a lot of success among my folks and I think it's because of me. Smiley

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« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2008, 07:11:14 pm »

It's funny how I rarely win a game in spite of knowing the rules and strategy better than the others. But because of this fact people help each other and play against me.

I think that overall it does pay to know the most strategic plays, but you are right, no matter how smart you are, sometimes the draw of the tile can ruin a great player!

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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2008, 06:03:04 pm »

Yes, Gantry, but someone stated on the forum that if you're really good it doesn't matter what tile gets out we'll know the best way to deal with it. But I think that you and I are more reasonable in our thoughts. Wink
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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 04:58:39 am »

That's why this game is a great equaliser.  It's not only about strategy, but there's also the luck of the draw.  The catapult though seems to be an attempt to add skill into the mix.  Hopefully the outcry from the fans is loud and clear to HiG that we do not want that element in the game.


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« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 04:30:00 pm »

Hehhee... sorry, I have to laugh.  Grin

The Catapult isn't at all skill based, if anything it's *more* random than tile draws.  As designed you have very little control over where your catapult token lands or even how far it can go unless you take the cheap route and tap the launcher ever so lightly so the token practically falls of instead of being launched.  I rather question how much playtesting they did of the catapult...
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