Can I post about Solitaire Carcassonne? I've just read about it on BGG and tried it out. I think it's wonderful because we can train on spending low resources, specially meeples as on this version we can only have four. We play 3 or 4 games depending on which variant we choose: The 23+23+23 tiles or the 20+20+20+11 tiles, always starting with the start tile. We only need the base set. It's a completely new planning training and you can bet it's worth the try. Of course, there's nothing like the real game, but anyway, when we're alone, carcsick, it sure is delicious. I defy you all to give it a try. At the time of posting, I've only played once each version. On the 23+23+23 version, I got a score of 66-55-66, total=184. On BGG would be a top score. On the 20+20+20+11 version, things didn't go quite so good, so I got a score of 61-36-50-19, total=166. I surely will beat this last, mostly because of those 36 and 19 partial scores. Well... this variant of the game really scored high for me. If you want to get some more info on this, please follow the link: .