My kids wanted to play a game with me last night so I pulled out Carcassonne. Now they are 3 and 6 y/o so I wanted to do something that would be interesting to both of them and yet simple enough to play.
For me I concentrated on getting them to make sure that the tiles matched up (city to city/field to field/road to road).
Here are the simple rules I used:
1) No expansions tokens or special tiles (river tiles/the dragon/abby tiles/the mayor etc)
2) Deal each player X tiles (15 or so depending on desired length)
3) Each player takes a turn placing a tile.
4) Each player earns one meeple when they complete a road, a city (or castles as my kids called them), or surround a cloister
5) The player with the most meeple at the end of the game wins.
For the record it was VERY easy to get both kids playing and interested without overwhelming them with strategy at this point. Oh and the 3 y/o won last night