Rules are here - although I imagine, as this is being updated they will also need modification.
FamiliesThe original was made to work with I&C only. It mattered not about T&B being added. This also works.
The reason for this is that the Red/Yellow Shields of Families were identical in quantity as Blue/White Shields.
When adding P&D or The Tower the amount of Blue/White Shields went up slightly, but adding A&M the Blue/White increase substantially.
If you are going to update, be sure to get the quantities of the two different shields identical. Perhaps even adding that some tiles be removed from play if you are not using whatever expansion, etc.
My footnote from the rules that I produced is:
Families has been designed to play best with Inns and Cathedrals expansion only. Traders and Builders is an optional expansion and will not affect the game play with regard to the pennants. The reason for this is the distribution of the Blue/White pennants in these sets will be the same as the Red/Yellow pennants on the Families tiles. Although using Princess and the Dragon and the Tower still gives an acceptable ratio of pennants, adding Abbey and Mayor raises the ratio of Blue/White pennants substantially. This presents no major problem if you do play with all the expansions, but just be aware that there will be a slightly higher number of Blue/White pennants. The ideal way of playing this expansion is to have an equal ratio of pennants in Red/Yellow and Blue/White. The amount of Red/Yellow pennants included on the Families tile set is 16 and the number of Blue/White pennants is 3, so the target number of pennants on other expansions is 13. Bearing in mind that the basic set has 10 Blue/White pennants, Inns and Cathedrals has 3 Blue/White pennants. Traders and Builders has none. Princess and the Dragon has 3. The River II has 1. The Tower has 1. Abbey and Mayor has 5.