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Author Topic: Attack of the Guitar / Revenge of the Pig Farmer  (Read 10777 times)
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« on: March 10, 2007, 05:22:29 pm »

So last nite Natasha & I sat down to a couple of games.  The first game was pretty balanced the entire way through, and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to complete my big city.  It reminded me of a guitar:

But I did finish it as you can see, and managed to squeak in a win by just a few points.  Our second game was a lot more interesting, where farmers ruled the board.  At one point, I had completed two cities with one tile:

So when you score two cities with one tile, does the tile count twice, one for each completed city?  If you don't know the answer, it's in our Downloads section!   Wink

Anyhow, it was a battle to control the farms, as there were a bounty of small cities to score with.  In the end though, Natasha had secured the best farms, and her pig farmer's 7 cities carried her to victory by a final lead of over 50 points!

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« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 04:26:56 am »

The answer, all ye seekers of truth, is also in the FAQ section…  Cool

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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2007, 01:47:17 am »

Re the question posed - Have looked on FAQ but for some reason the colours on it just don't compute with my PC - it is all brown with grey writing and I can't read it all.  It could be just my PC - when people send us photos they are always very dark.

Anyway - the rules (in the box) do not clearly say the answer - it is clear that if your tile has say two "end caps" (not sure what others terms them but you should get the idea) on it that contribute to the same city , then you only get credit for the tile once. 

For the example given though, we play it that if a tile completes two separate cities then you get the credit for the tile in each city.  In the games we play it is actually more common to have this type of scenario with roads (ie complete two roads with the one tile) - again in this case we count the tile as contributing to both roads.

I presume that with this type of question you are trying to get people to use the FAQ etc so maybe just send me a message or whatever to let me know whether I'm right or wrong - or post a reply - might create an interesting debate though expecially if others do it differently.


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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2007, 03:08:47 am »

Have looked on FAQ but for some reason the colours on it just don't compute with my PC - it is all brown with grey writing and I can't read it all.  It could be just my PC - when people send us photos they are always very dark.
Hmmm - it should be grey writing on blue (from a blue background graphic and a transparent shaded forefround). Could you let me know what system and background you're using? (and maybe try viewing the FAQ with a different browser to see if it looks the same)

Anyway - the rules (in the box) do not clearly say the answer - it is clear that if your tile has say two "end caps" (not sure what others terms them but you should get the idea) on it that contribute to the same city , then you only get credit for the tile once. 

For the example given though, we play it that if a tile completes two separate cities then you get the credit for the tile in each city.  In the games we play it is actually more common to have this type of scenario with roads (ie complete two roads with the one tile) - again in this case we count the tile as contributing to both roads.
That's basicially it. A tile with two segments in one city counts only once - but if the two segments are in two cities, they count separately.

I presume that with this type of question you are trying to get people to use the FAQ etc so maybe just send me a message or whatever to let me know whether I'm right or wrong - or post a reply - might create an interesting debate though expecially if others do it differently.
I think that was Gantry's idea! He'll have to give us the reference he was thinking of, though
« Last Edit: April 10, 2007, 04:16:40 pm by mjharper » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2007, 12:20:56 am »

Thanks for the reply - I'm pleased we are playing it right - logically it wouldn't make sense to allow a city tile that contributed to different cities not to be scored for both when the playing of that tile completes both cities.  At any other time (and quite regularly) a single tile contributes to more than one city and counts in both cities (it is often just that the cities are not completed at the same time).

In terms of the FAQ page - who knows what the problem is - it will be at my end - while I might be a geek in relation to boardgames, I am not when it comes to technology - we still run our home PC on Windows 98 (which I believe is now not supported by Microsoft).  It is probably all part of some elaborate plan by MS to force me to upgrade - maybe I'll get a Mac next time!

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« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 03:22:32 am »

Well, now that Macs can run Windows, you can have the best of both worlds!

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