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Posts: 6
« on: July 26, 2007, 05:15:51 am » |
I've been trying to come up with an idea for those who would like to replay a game in order to discuss the finer strategy in a similar fashion to chess. Even to send in to this community for expert advise. Finally after years of practice and weeks of self denial (only kidding), I have, what I believe is a pretty good system. I hope......... Firstly, you do need a guide for all the tiles in the game. (at this moment I am concentrating on the basic game, but it is still relevant to all expansions). The guide comes with the game, but if anyone can tell me how to send it onto the web site for others to download I would be only too pleased to do so. This sheet is best laminated as you refer to it often. It shows all the tiles and gives them all a letter A B C and so forth. I have also made an empty chart made up of squares. This is simple, and basically shows where you are placing the tiles in numerical order. Now you can either enter all the moves onto the chart directly, or write the moves on a seperate piece of paper, again like notation in chess. So to start. We have the laminated empty chart in front of us, and the game set up ready to go. It may well be good to have a sheet with numbers 1 - 75 or whatever in order not to forget what move number you are to enter on the chart each time you have a go. Simply tick off a number as you go. Now when you draw a tile you look on the guide for the tiles at the picture of the tile you have drawn. If you place the tile onto the table, the same way that the picture displays it on the guide, then all you do on the laminated chart is enter the number 1, because it is the first go of the game, the tile letter from the guide underneath it. If you have to turn the tile around, then always turn it clockwise, one turn is 1, two turns is 2 three turns is, yes you've guessed it, 3. There is no 4, as this would bring the tile back to its original position. So the go will be like this. you enter 1, (the number of the go). s, (the letter of the tile), and 2, (because you've turned the tile clockwise 2 turns). If you want to place a follower anywhere, you just enter the first letter of the follower at the end. So if it is go 10, then it is written like this. 10 j 3 n. which means 10th go. j tile. turn tile 3 times. put knight onto the tile. All this is entered on the chart. When you start the game make sure that you enter the first move onto the chart in the middle. Another one for practice. 25 p 1 m move 25, p tile, turned once, monk (monestary tile). Of course if it is a farmer, then you would have to put which part of the tile they are placed on. On the odd occasion where the crossroads comes up, you would have to put f a,b,c,d, or whichever numbering you prefer. By and large, This seems to be quite a good system. It does look like a lot of work, and a lot of writing, but no more than chess and their algabraic notation. And you can delight or suffer the repetition of past victories or defeats. I would welcome any questions, and constructive comments. Please also tell me if you have a better way, I am all ears. (but that's just how I was born!!!). Thanks for your time.