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 on: January 17, 2013, 03:41:35 am 
Started by Emi78 - Last post by Emi78
Wow! Well done! That is really a nice looking box. I like the meeple bags. I guess they came with The School? But how do you go about getting one of each color?

Thank you!

Yes, they are "the school" expansion bags. To get the grey and the black ones, i painted two spare bags with setacolor fabric paint.

 on: January 17, 2013, 03:15:14 am 
Started by Whaleyland - Last post by kettlefish
Thanks again Whaleyland for that great review.

At the HiG-Chat last year, the people liked the ferries, too.

Here is the rule from the BigBox4 
(this information is already in the CAR 6.2):

Extension traders & builders:
If a road on which a builder has been placed is extended only through moving a ferry, the player may not perform a double turn.

Extension Inns & cathedrals:
A ferry lake has nothing to do with an inn lake. Thus, a road that is only beside a ferry lake only scores only 1 point per tile.

 on: January 17, 2013, 01:27:49 am 
Started by Whaleyland - Last post by jungleboy
Another great review, thanks!

Everyone seems to agree that out of all the minis, Ferries offers the best gameplay experience/addition. What about playing it with both I&C and T&B? You could use the builder on your roads to make them even bigger and thus worth even more.

I just wish the ferry pieces were a bit nicer, that's all.

 on: January 17, 2013, 01:16:23 am 
Started by Whaleyland - Last post by jungleboy i was lucky when i bought it 2x for 2,99EUR each end of last year at :-)

Yes you were. But I am a new fan of the game so I missed out when they were being sold cheaply last year. And I don't have enough patience to wait for the next round, if there is one.

 on: January 17, 2013, 12:52:20 am 
Started by Whaleyland - Last post by meepleater
Of all 7 minis, this is the one that interested me the most.

Enough talking, just get it! I promise you won't regret it.

Yes sir! Salute

 on: January 16, 2013, 09:23:02 pm 
Started by Whaleyland - Last post by Whaleyland
With the Carcassonne Minis, there are few expansions that truly catch my eye. The Ferries is one of them, and after a play-through, I can publicly announce how good my eye has become at catching things.

Rowing Through the Ambiguities
* Circling - Okay, so I admit that I read the rules the first time through when I should have been asleep. My fault! The rules initially seemed somewhat confusing and a bit wonky. I was wrong on the latter account - the rules are actually amazingly simple - but they are still a bit confusing. The number one issue for me regards the ability to move ferries when placing an attaching tile. I still don't know if a player can move all the ferries attached in the series (which is how we decided to play) or if they can only move the nearest, and if the nearest, what to do when a tile is placed equidistant between two. Again, still confused.

* I Lost My Oar! - This is really more than a minor gripe than a major problem, but those little ferry pieces are tiny! They make Catan roads look like four-lane highways and Agricola fences look like interstates! I feel like they will be the first Carcassonne piece I've ever lost, and I've been playing Carc since 2003!

* I Need Closure - This is also a benefit (see below), but the ability to frequently and continuously clone and open roads, scoring the same route time and again, is seriously bugging out my Carcassonne sense. SERIOUSLY! We (two-player game) scored one segment of road at least five times because the route kept opening up. Definitely a weird experience.

Better Than Jet Skiing
* Closure's Overrated - Despite my previous comment, the fact that roads can open and close again is truly an awesome mechanic. I'm amazed it hadn't been thought of earlier. And with each re-opening of the route, it was worth more...and more...and more. Mix this in with Inns & Cathedrals any day!

* Split Those Farms, Split Them Real Good - An unintentional aspect of this expansion is that farms get split up all over the place. The increase of roads dead-ending (well, ending at lakes) means fields can't wrap around them. And while this didn't play a huge factor in my game, it was noticed and future games will be more heavily embraced. The days of mega-farms is over.

* In Your Reflection - Even if the new rules do nothing for you, the pure visual quality of the tiles is enough for me. I love looking at bodies of water - the River expansions, The School, and Inns & Cathedrals are all visually nice. This adds to and enhances the visual quality of the Carcassonne board in ways that were previously not possible. No strange icons or ahistorical images on the landscape, just peaceful little lakes.

There is no doubt that this is one of, if not the, best expansion in the Carcassonne Minis series. It is straight-foward (mostly) and simple, while keeping the game fresh. Mixed with Inns & Cathedrals, this may just be one of the strongest expansion-combinations out there. Enough talking, just get it! I promise you won't regret it.

Playability: A
Affordability: A
Compatibility (with other expansions): A
Aethetics: A+
Learning Curve: A-

 on: January 16, 2013, 08:20:54 pm 
Started by Emi78 - Last post by Carcking
Wow! Well done! That is really a nice looking box. I like the meeple bags. I guess they came with The School? But how do you go about getting one of each color?

 on: January 16, 2013, 05:44:12 pm 
Started by Albinoasian - Last post by Emi78
Hi, my first post in the forum, I hope to be helpfull Smiley

I made a custom wooden box for all my CC expansions (I will post pics soon) and my storage solution for the meeples and tokens was:

- Meeples: "the school" bag. One of each colour (only  exist green, blue, yellow and red). For grey and black meeples, I painted two spare bags with setacolor textile paint. I bought te bags at cundco shop.
- Tokens and cardboard pieces: I use the blue bag included in Traders and builders exp.

Here you can see the bags i was talking about:

 on: January 16, 2013, 05:40:54 pm 
Started by Emi78 - Last post by Emi78
Hi all,

This is my deluxe wooden box i made a few months ago. I can keep all the official expansions inside the box (The only expansion that is not in the pic is "the windrose") and have a little space for future expansions.It is made with a box I bought in a wood supplier and treated with blue dye and brass-copper hinges for a rustic look. The word carcassonne and the drawing of the city is made with the pyrography technique. I've really enjoyed making this box and i would like to share it with you all. The pics are the best i can take with my mobile phone...

Hope you like it!!


 on: January 16, 2013, 05:33:07 pm 
Started by Carcatronn - Last post by Whaleyland
Was anyone able to get the rules downloaded from Rio Grande's website before the page for this expansion went down? I'd love to see Jay's original translation of Plague and Tunnel.

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