Title: The Ocean CAR Post by: skipboris on July 07, 2009, 04:50:04 pm The purpose of this thread is to develop a CAR for the Ocean and to keep the latest full download in the opening post.
Latest full download includes: The Ocean main expansion tiles Men of the Sea tiles Turbulent Waters tiles Buried Treasure Tiles Ocean CAR 4.0 Get just the latest CAR (4.0)here: http://www.mediafire.com/?hdnjjezij2y Get absolutely everything up to this date (34.3 Mb, full download 12/25/2009) here: http://www.mediafire.com/?yw4yg5mxtyj For the uninitiated here's a small taste of what this looks like: (http://www1.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/45d337e5c6131c035da38e1e8bb86ae26g.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=mdzgmuzzemz&thumb=4) Have fun! Title: Re: The Ocean CAR Post by: skipboris on August 04, 2009, 02:37:03 pm OP has been updated with a new CAR for the Ocean. Included now is the turbulent waters expansion and a brand new forword that introduces the expansion and explains some other things.
Title: Re: The Ocean CAR Post by: djdahmer on August 17, 2009, 07:53:35 pm OP has been updated with a new CAR for the Ocean. Included now is the turbulent waters expansion and a brand new forword that introduces the expansion and explains some other things. Finally got around to reading this. Looks really good, however I did notice one small error. On page 9, Islands section, last sentence "back to a players supply" should be "back to a player’s supply". Other than that, great work. Title: Re: The Ocean CAR Post by: skipboris on August 17, 2009, 09:22:16 pm OP has been updated with a new CAR for the Ocean. Included now is the turbulent waters expansion and a brand new forword that introduces the expansion and explains some other things. Finally got around to reading this. Looks really good, however I did notice one small error. On page 9, Islands section, last sentence "back to a players supply" should be "back to a player’s supply". Other than that, great work. Thanks for the feedback! You'll have to tell me if you ever try it out. The next expansion to this is almost done... Title: Re: The Ocean CAR Post by: skipboris on October 24, 2009, 05:14:11 pm Version 3.0 of the CAR is now posted in the OP.
Title: Re: The Ocean CAR Post by: skipboris on December 25, 2009, 04:29:49 pm Version 4.0 of the CAR is now posted in the OP. Changes include the Deltas expansion and some "official" variants. Enjoy.