Carcassonne Central

Off Topic => Anything Elseā€¦ => Topic started by: Wishmaster on June 25, 2009, 07:16:07 am

Title: Labyrinth
Post by: Wishmaster on June 25, 2009, 07:16:07 am
I wasn't sure where to put this thread.... Here will have to do!

With all the excitement regards the possible new expansion : (
I realised this has never come up. There's supposedly a book/novel about Carcassonne with this new game/expansion, but have any of you ever read Labyrinth by Kate Mosse? (
It's a novel set in two time zones - present day and the time of the Cathars, all in Carcassonne.... and it's excellent! If you want to get a feel of the time, and like a good mystery/thriller along the DaVici Code/Last Templar/Righteous Men grail gripper style of things then this top of the tree in my book!

Title: Re: Labyrinth
Post by: Novelty on June 25, 2009, 10:17:30 am
I realised this has never come up.
Well, it was mentioned briefly in the games/hobby ( thread, so it has come up.  Perhaps you might even know the guy who talked about it.  He goes by the name of Wishmaster ;D

Title: Re: Labyrinth
Post by: Wishmaster on June 25, 2009, 04:06:17 pm
So I did!!  ;D ;D ;D

Oh well it deserves a thread of it's own!  But I brought it up today because of the new expansion thread and it's novel (Hope they do an English version of that). But all Carcassonne fans should read Labyrinth.

Title: Re: Labyrinth
Post by: CKorfmann on July 01, 2009, 12:04:39 am
There is quite a wide variety of reviews for this book at the amazon site.  Looks like the majority either loved or hated it.