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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: Novelty on June 22, 2009, 11:32:07 am

Title: Dragon's Lair
Post by: Novelty on June 22, 2009, 11:32:07 am
[I'm creating this thread so that I don't miss the spillover from High Places.  High Places is almost done (30/36 tiles) and it's deliberately kept small (hahaha, as if 36 tiles is small) so there were a number of things that had to "spill over" to the next expansion.]

This is a new mountains expansion.  Dragon's Nest is my working name, Dragon's Lair or Dragon's Eyrie would be my other choices.

The expansion will contain:
P&D icons - 12 tiles
mountains & cities - 12 15 tiles
(24 27 tiles in total)

Future planned mountain expansions will include (in no particular order, with working names):
Gold Rush: Trade goods - coal (new 5x), gold (1x), double turn ore icon (6x) [12 tiles total].
Room with a View: Tower, Mountain Shack & Mansions
Head Waters: Rivers
Alpine: Forests
Pyrenees: Rivers & Forests

Edit: While making the remainder of the MCXX tiles, I discovered I needed to make an extra 3.  That will bring this set up to 27 tiles.  Eeek!  I've also decided to name this expansion Dragon's Lair.