Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: don2712 on June 19, 2009, 11:37:36 pm

Title: Big Meeples
Post by: don2712 on June 19, 2009, 11:37:36 pm
Hi everyone,

I wonder if anyone knows of a ruling on this, I have looked in the forum but cannot find anything.

Is the use of the big meeples restricted to just when you are playing with the Inns and Cathederals expansion or, once you have them can you use them in the basic game and all the other expansions irrespective of whether you are playing with Inns and Cathederals as well?

Thank you


Title: Re: Big Meeples
Post by: meepleater on June 19, 2009, 11:53:09 pm
You can use the big meeples anytime- not just with I&C. It's the same with most expansions- use the bits you like and leave out what you don't (which means you can even use the tiles and ignore the rules for those tiles).

Title: Re: Big Meeples
Post by: Joff on June 20, 2009, 02:39:47 am
Since the Big Box was released, the large meeples are now considered part of the basic game and not solely for use in the Inns and Cathedrals expansion. So, feel free to use them in any game of  Carcassonne.