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Carc Central Community => General => Topic started by: canada steve on April 18, 2007, 02:42:50 am

Title: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: canada steve on April 18, 2007, 02:42:50 am
Can antone else who has the RGG expansion of the Tower do me a favour when they get a chance and check all their tiles against the list published in the revised downloadable rules section. When packing up last night we noticed that we had the right amount of tiles but not the same tiles as listed on here. We are missing the corner city(star shape) with road and have a diagonal city corner with road instead (CCRF) and have two cap ends and tower instead of one.

Anyone else ?

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: Gantry on April 20, 2007, 12:44:35 am
Hmm finally sat down and discovered mine is different as well:

- Instead of 2 CCFF tiles (2 cap-ends + tower) I only have 1
- Instead of 1 CFFF tile (1 cap-end + tower) I have 2

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. The list I compared it to was in the Downloads ( section, Tile Distribution, Consolidated Tile Reference (which is the same as the Tower rules pdf).

Now I'm curious what everyone else has. 

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: canada steve on April 20, 2007, 10:32:45 am
Glad it isnt just me. Who put together the tiles section then ? Where did they get their info from ?

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: mjharper on April 20, 2007, 11:16:24 am
I put the list together from my HiG edition. I've just checked - I have 2xCFFF tiles, and 2xCFFF. There was a mistake in the CTR and AR there in the revised version, which I've corrected in the original now (upload later). So thanks for pointing that out.

Doesn't help with canada steve's extra tile. It's still a CCRF tile though, isn't it? - like the 'star' tile. Weird. Any chance you can scan the tile- we can add it to the distribution lists as a variant.

Makes me wonder, though - why would they change the tile? To make each edition more exclusive? And, quite apart from typos on my part, what discrepancies are there with the other expansions? What 'rare' tiles are there which we're not even aware of?  ???

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: canada steve on April 20, 2007, 12:29:28 pm
I'll cna the tile soon and post it. Will check all the other expansions and doubel check em.

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: raberjr on April 25, 2007, 07:27:03 am
for what it is worth, i have the big box edition and RGG did get the tiles correct in that version.

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: Gantry on April 25, 2007, 04:57:35 pm
what i'm wondering is, what is correct? since the expansions don't come with tile reference sheets...

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: canada steve on April 26, 2007, 12:30:31 am
A good point, is there a chance that the sheets on the download page could be wrong ?? ???

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: witoflash on April 26, 2007, 08:21:17 am
I would love to help by checking my tiles of the Tower, but I feel like an idiot since i do not understand the codes(CCRF, etc.) for the tiles. Someone have a Rosetta Stone for the tile codes for me? Boy, what a neophtye I am, sorry.

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: witoflash on April 26, 2007, 08:53:12 am
OK, experts, don't chastise me.  I checked the downloads section and it's all explained there.  I'll check my Tower tiles today...sorry to waste a post.

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: canada steve on April 26, 2007, 10:04:54 am
 :) :) But you managed to use the word neophyte in a sentence so cant be that silly.

Title: Re: The Tower Tiles.
Post by: Gantry on April 26, 2007, 04:08:37 pm
OK, experts, don't chastise me.  ...sorry to waste a post.

Don't worry it's all good, we have an almost limitless supply of extra posts in the back I can grab if we run out   ;)