Title: Spring and Lake Post by: Vulch on June 01, 2009, 08:38:18 am When using the standard river expansion(s) (i.e. not the GQ11 spring) do you play that the fields extend around the spring and lake, or stop at the spring and lake?
CAR says officially they go round (potentially making one big field) but I understand with home rules you can play it either way. Just wanted a straw pole on what most people (meeple :D) do? Title: Re: Spring and Lake Post by: CKorfmann on June 01, 2009, 10:48:27 am I play that it goes around. However, I usually use the spring from GQ11 to prevent that.
Title: Re: Spring and Lake Post by: Novelty on June 02, 2009, 07:10:28 am In my games, it goes around. For some people, it goes through as well, so it depends on your group I guess.
Title: Re: Spring and Lake Post by: Johngee on June 10, 2009, 10:44:26 pm I play that it goes around. However, I usually use the spring from GQ11 to prevent that. Ditto. |