Title: Happy Birthday mathguy89! Post by: Novelty on May 31, 2009, 10:47:19 pm Just noticed on the calendar that it's your birthday, so Happy Birthday mathguy89! Now you're officially not a teen anymore! You would still have to wait a year before you can legally drink... unless you move to Canada ;D
Title: Re: Happy Birthday mathguy89! Post by: mathguy89 on June 01, 2009, 04:15:42 pm wow, my very own thread. I'm honored. Thanks for all the hard work you put into everything here. I'm sad to report that Carc is on life-support with all of my gaming groups, but it isn't dead yet.
Practically anywhere outside of the US and I could drink, which seems odd, but hey, the law is the law, and there's some reason to it. I have no great desire to drink alcohol, but I will have something this time next year. |