Title: hint for the catapult... Post by: Deatheux on May 26, 2009, 10:03:12 pm since we din't got an official ruling about "how to use" the catapult(aka using the catapult horizontally... or if we can shim it by the bottom end).
i made an house rules. we CAN'T use it horizontally(too much damage on the board and pieces. BUT we can shim the base. the best way is to use 1, 2 or 3 "tower pieces" to gain a few degrees. that way all the tokens have most chances to reach the target. we also use the thumb aiming, it works, but some threats are less "fair" to complete. Title: Re: hint for the catapult... Post by: Johngee on June 02, 2009, 10:48:51 pm MY HOUSE RULE for using the Catapult Expansion is to leave the 24 little "chits" in the box, put the catapult shooting device into the salad bowl, and then put all the "circus" tiles into the bag with the rest of the mix and as they are pulled out to be played the current active player only has the option of using the regular features normally as a farm, town, road, monastery ...OR... taking FIVE POINTS immediately, if they have a follower meeple (not the builder, mayor, or pig) in their reserve pool to "send" to the circus. To avoid endless debates, we do allow the Big Meeple and the Wagon Meeple to also score the five points for being placed on a circus tile and coming right back off.