Title: Carcassonne on the moon? Post by: Scott on May 17, 2009, 09:40:26 am I have a hunch this is a dumb idea, but here goes anyway: Carcassonne on the moon. The starting tile would be the landing site (can't remember the name). Lay down tiles in all directions to explore the moon. Here comes the reason why this is possibly a dumb idea: there's nothing on the moon. If the game were set in the future, you could have bubble domes for cities, but how to make them any other shape than round? Drilling sites could replace cloisters. Can't really replace roads, so there should probably be roads between bubble domes.
A one-tile bubble dome could be scored AotC temple-style (+ pattern): 5 points. Drilling sites scored in cloister-style: 9 points. Roads scored as roads: 1 point per segment. Hmm.... maybe the city scoring style could be replaced with craters. Drilling sites in a crater should be worth more because you'll find better stuff. Alternatively, moon could be changed to Mars. Title: Re: To the moon, Alice! Post by: Novelty on May 18, 2009, 04:03:59 am This scounds interesting. Needs a bit more refining, but the base premise is exciting. I would like to play on the Moon and/or Mars!
Title: Re: Carcassonne on the moon? Post by: Scott on October 20, 2011, 02:34:48 pm These meeples look sort of like astronauts:
http://www.spielmaterial.de/english3/d_P0015i_Backpackers___Soldiers.php (http://www.spielmaterial.de/english3/d_P0015i_Backpackers___Soldiers.php) Considering how simple the graphics would be for this, I might consider making it. I don't think it would be much fun to play though. Cities -> Craters Cloisters -> Habitat modules Roads -> ??? There's no possible equivalent of farms, since most of the lunar surface is just dirt and rocks. Title: Re: Carcassonne on the moon? Post by: Carcatronn on October 20, 2011, 04:09:36 pm Maybe the roads could be dirt trails from a rover? This would be a fun spin-off!