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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: meepleater on April 25, 2009, 08:14:35 pm

Title: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on April 25, 2009, 08:14:35 pm
Another of my expansions for expansions, which combine two or more expansions/ landscape features.

For those wondering what has happened to these expansions, here's the list and what's happening...

n/a Fruit and Timber merchants
has been cancelled due to recommendation by Novelty.

1. Fountain of Youth
12 tiles to combine apothecaries and tithes with wells and breweries.

2. Woods and Wells (described below)
12 tiles to combine wells with forests and some of the forest expansions.
Is described in this thread.

3. Health and Holiness
12 tiles to combine apothecaries and tithes with breweries.

Now cancelled

4. Huts and Barns
12 tiles to combine various huts etc. including log cabins, fish huts etc.
This has been delayed for a while by Novelty... I'll rethink all the tiles when it comes closer to happening.
Now Cancelled

Woods and Wells
As the realm of Carcassonne expands, so too does the amount of land dominated by forests. In order to help travelers make it through the woods, wells have been built to supply water to all areas of woodland.

1. WRFR forest cap with road running past, with a well on the road.
2. WWWR three separate forest endings with a road ending at one of them (doesn't matter which). The road has a well.
3. WRWR straight forest with a road passing through. this should be like the tile from A&M, the road entering a tunnel inside the forest on one side, but the other tunnel entrance should be in the field on the other side, so there are 3 fields on the sides of the tile. There should be a well on the road and a woodsman guild icon on the forest.
4. WRCR forest and city endings. Two roads. One road should come from the left and end up at the forest, with a well. The other should enter from the right and end at the city (so there are three fields).
5. WRCR mirror image of above
6. WRRR forest ending, there should be a road with a three way roundabout going in the other direction (with a well, of course)
7. WRFF forest cap, with a road running one direction and ending in a roundabout with a well.
8. WFRF same as above, but with the road entering from a different side.
9. WFFR same as above, but with the road entering from a different side.
10. WFRR forest cap. One road should come from bottom and end at forest, the other should enter from left, go over the other road and end at a well (like in T&B, but with a forest instead of a city.)
11. WRRF mirror of above.
12. WRRR forest ending, one road going from forest to bottom of tile (with a well), the other from left to right side of tile. (like the tile from the original 'wells' but with forest instead of city). the forest should have a woodmans guild icon on it.

Thanks Novelty, sorry if my expanations are confusing. I'm prepared to wait a long time for this while you finish all the other expansions, no hurry whatsoever.

EDIT: Removed all but one expansion...

Title: Re: (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells
Post by: Novelty on April 26, 2009, 12:28:29 am
At the rate you're going, there's going to be a lot more wells than anything else.  Can I suggest you revise this expansion to include only 3 woods and wells, and add 3 rivers and wells, 3 mountains and wells and 3 wells with a mixture of the other 2.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on April 26, 2009, 01:06:42 am
Okay... I'll work on redoing it tomorrow when I have more time... I wasn't thinking of doing rivers or mountains, but now I'll do the 12 you suggest...

Now, only one 12-tile expansion is going ahead; Fountain of Youth (recombined with a few tiles from health and holiness, and a few new ones)
Combining Apothecaries and Tithes, Wells and Breweries. (Watermark- maybe a goblet?)

1. CCRR curved city and road. The city should be both besieged (with a Cathar symbol) and contain an apothecary. The road should have a well.
2. CRRF city with road curving past. Well on road and tithe barn in field by city.
3. CFRR city with road curving past. Well on road and tithe barn in field by city. (mirror of above)
4. RFRF straight road with a well, and a tithe barn in each field (so if you win but you only own one field, you get 24 points, but if there is a tie you only lose 14 (both barns get scored at once).
5. FRRR road junction with besieged cloister in centre (like T&B, P&D) and tithe barn in the big field.
6. FFFF tower foundation, brewery and 2 tithe barns (to increase tithe barn stakes, yet tower makes it hard).
7. RFFF there should be forests stretching from each of the four corners, with a road ending at the centre, with a well on the road and brewery.
8. CFFF city cap and field with tithe barn and brewery.
9. ?FRF  with road (with a well) entering from bottom ending at the other side, which should be red like on an abbey tile. A tithe barn in a field.
10. FRRR a three way junction (with a farm at the centre, like the base game). The bottom-most road should contain a well, the biggest field a tithe barn.
11. FCCR one road ending at a well (like the tile in outposts), two cities. One city should have an apothecary.
12. RCCF reverse of above, with same well but the other city with an apothecary.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on April 26, 2009, 07:22:56 am
Oooh, please find me an image to use for the watermark!  Thanks.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on April 26, 2009, 06:43:05 pm
The tiles are alright?

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on April 26, 2009, 07:11:17 pm
The tiles are alright?
I won't know until I actually draw the tiles.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on April 26, 2009, 07:13:57 pm
I mean, not too many of anything?

EDIT: I've sent you a possible watermark by e-mail. It has a white border around it to make sure it doesn't get a white background...

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on May 11, 2009, 10:38:11 am
Here's the first tile.  I've got the first 4 made so far.  Another 8 to go.

Edit: Could you modify 5 and 6?  I won't be able to fit everything you want on those tiles.  Tile 9 is a no for the abbey wall - it would need extra rules just to clarify that tile.  I don't have the farm in the centre of the junction for Tile 10 (no good quality base set images) so you'll have to settle for something else.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on May 11, 2009, 05:14:33 pm
1. CCRR curved city and road. The city should be both besieged (with a Cathar symbol) and contain an apothecary. The road should have a well.
2. CRRF city with road curving past. Well on road and tithe barn in field by city.
3. CFRR city with road curving past. Well on road and tithe barn in field by city. (mirror of above)
4. RFRF straight road with a well, and a tithe barn in each field (so if you win but you only own one field, you get 24 points, but if there is a tie you only lose 14 (both barns get scored at once).
5. FRRR road junction with besieged cloister in centre (like T&B, P&D).
6. FFFF tower foundation, brewery and  tithe barn.
7. RFFF there should be forests stretching from each of the four corners, with a road ending at the centre, with a well on the road and brewery.
8. CFFF city cap and field with tithe barn and brewery.
9. CFRF  with road (with a well) entering from bottom ending at a city cap. A tithe barn in a field.
10. FRRR a three way junction (with a farm at the centre, like the base game). The bottom-most road should contain a well, the biggest field a tithe barn.
11. FCCR one road ending at a well (like the tile in outposts), two cities. One city should have an apothecary.
12. RCCF reverse of above, with same well but the other city with an apothecary.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on May 12, 2009, 11:27:45 am
Here you go (  If there are no mistakes, I'll make this public.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on May 14, 2009, 12:32:43 am

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on May 14, 2009, 12:45:47 am
Are there any mistakes?  I'm not sure I understand some of what you were writing about.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on May 14, 2009, 04:45:43 am
They're all just what I wanted... you've done well...

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on May 14, 2009, 08:39:17 am
I've made minor modifications to tiles 1 and 11 (or is that 12?).  It's on the Public Downloads.  Merit point for you, A.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on May 14, 2009, 04:43:41 pm
Oops... a bit late, but I realised that this requires three more herb tokens...

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on May 15, 2009, 03:54:40 am
I'll add them when I have access to my computer again.  I can't do anything at the moment.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on May 22, 2009, 02:07:12 am
What's the problem with your computer?

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on May 22, 2009, 03:19:47 am
Nothing, I wasn't around my usual computer that day.  I will probably get to this either later today or this weekend.

Edit: OK, the public downloads page have been updated with the new version.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on May 22, 2009, 06:19:30 am
All I get is an error page... maybe it's just me?

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Novelty on May 22, 2009, 09:17:45 am
All I get is an error page... maybe it's just me?
Sorry, forgot to set it to public.  Fixed.  Do I get a merit point from you A?  ;D

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on May 22, 2009, 05:45:07 pm
Most certainly! You've done a great job...

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on March 09, 2012, 11:44:33 pm
This is the second expansion among the ones that I am revising, as I thought this one needed some thinking about (and perhaps a little forgetting about). Instead of being an odd mixture of expansion symbols (I feel like I made way to many... lol), I decided that it should just be a set of wells on tiles with forests, rivers and mountains that you can add or not depending on which of those is in the game. I've also modified the watermark.

New tiles (to replace the old ones):
Thanks to Novelty for doing the original artwork.

The pdf can be downloaded from here:

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: flix on March 10, 2012, 07:36:03 am
is it possible to upload the pdf again in better quality? thanks!

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on March 10, 2012, 11:27:06 pm
is it possible to upload the pdf again in better quality? thanks!

I'm working on it (same with breweries)

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on March 23, 2012, 11:02:14 pm
Here is the better quality version of these tiles:

Although I'm having the same trouble with file size as I am with breweries. Is there any way to decrease file size without losing quality?

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Fritz_Spinne on March 24, 2012, 12:26:26 am
!! Thanks a lot !!

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: Scott on April 07, 2012, 12:48:26 pm
Here is the better quality version of these tiles:

Although I'm having the same trouble with file size as I am with breweries. Is there any way to decrease file size without losing quality?

From a technical standpoint, no. Reducing the quality is how you get the file size down. The trick is that typically the quality of the file is much higher than required. You want to reduce the excess quality so that only the necessary quality is remaining.

Title: Re: Fountain of Youth (previously (exp4exp:5) Woods and Wells)
Post by: meepleater on April 07, 2012, 10:40:05 pm
Download version updated:;sa=view;down=67