Title: High Places Post by: Novelty on April 25, 2009, 01:08:39 pm This is not an AotC expansion. Since this expansion is mainly about worship places (cloister or shrine) on the mountaintop, I thought high places would be an apt name.
The expansion will contain: Shrines - new image required (with a "barebone" shrine located on the baby dragon ledge) Cloister - new image required (with a single storey cloister located on the baby dragon ledge) P&D icons - requires the new image from mountain and cities. Not going to get done - Fairs Future mountain expansions will include (in no particular order): Trade goods - ore (new), coal (new), gold Mountain Shack & Mansions Rivers Forests Rivers & Forests! Maybe Tournament* (& Persona*) Maybe Guilds* & Double turn & Chivalry* * Requires a rule change for meeples to be placed on mountains. Edit: Removing the P&D icons and Tower to a future expansion. This expansion however, will have cities next to mountains. Total tiles = 36 - 6 with cloisters, 6 with shrines, 24 with both mountains and cities. Title: Re: High Places Post by: CKorfmann on May 08, 2009, 07:53:10 pm I thought a good idea for a mountain trade good might be stone. It would be similar to the Timber expansion for Forests. Perhaps you could use it to replace gold and then you could just include some gold mines in the Mt. set. Gold might be more appropriate as a trade good for the Fishermen.
Title: Re: High Places Post by: Novelty on May 09, 2009, 01:34:01 am There's already gold trade goods in the Gold Mines expansion. The trade goods will probably be included if there's an interesting way of doing it. I haven't spent the time thinking that far yet, as that will be a future expansion. High Places will mainly focus on walls, cities and worship places on the mountains.
Edit 22nd June: Tile Edit 26th June: Here's the draft version (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/carc/expansions/highplaces.zip) of the expansion. Title: Re: High Places Post by: meepleater on June 26, 2009, 06:07:16 am The link is broken. What is that icon on the lower left? It looks like a cult place, but is a bit hard to spot...
EDIT: Re-read your post and found it is, I think you should do something to make it a bit more obvious... maybe add some fires or torches like the official cult places? Title: Re: High Places Post by: Novelty on June 26, 2009, 06:18:21 am Sorry about the link. It's now fixed. You can check out all the tiles from the link. The rules will make it very clear what it is. (and I think what you're refering to is a shrine).
Title: Re: High Places Post by: meepleater on June 26, 2009, 06:20:12 am For some reason, I always preferred the word Cult than Shrine. I need to go now, so I'll have to read the rules tomorrow...