Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => General => Topic started by: likie on April 11, 2007, 08:53:00 pm

Title: Designer Meeples
Post by: likie on April 11, 2007, 08:53:00 pm
Just wondered if anyone had ever had a go at painting their meeples different colours, or if you can buy just meeples on their own (perhaps plain wooden coloured ones) that you could paint.

As I have mentioned before, my daughter (who is 4) is keen to have a go at some stage and I think would find it even more attractive if she had a set of (perish the thought) pink or purple meeples.  Just an idea at this stage - I might paint the grey (I&C) ones as I don't like that colour much. 

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: Gantry on April 12, 2007, 02:13:54 am
i was thinking that metal ones, maybe machined aluminium would look nice!

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: horsethiefbandit on April 12, 2007, 09:30:25 am
A set of brass meeples would be pretty kick-ass!

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: Tobias on April 12, 2007, 10:31:45 am
Glass or stone are given classy looking game pieces. Stone in particular.

Hmm, maybe I should construkt my own.. Jade, onyx, Lapis Lazulu (?) eh . .well, and like that (I'll translate them later ;) ) Now, that would rock! (Hehehe).

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: witoflash on April 15, 2007, 10:38:17 am
Meeples can be bought in color groups or a bunch of evenly-distributed all colors from  I did this for $20 for 100 to use for the game Seismic instead of the tiny cubes the game came with.  Hope that helps, you could buy them and paint them.

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: Scott on November 07, 2007, 09:22:40 am
I sent an e-mail to the folks at MeeplePeople asking whether the big meeple, pig, builder, etc. would be available in the future. Got a very quick reply that they are hoping to have them available by Christmas.

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: Wishmaster on November 08, 2007, 02:54:17 pm
yep, are the guys. I bought a Purple set off eBay and my daughter has a pair of Meeple earrings and matching necklace in red!!

Nice heads up there about the big, pig and builder... I'll add to my purple set.

You can even get Meeple pint glasses and cushions now!

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: Gantry on November 09, 2007, 01:07:58 am
Carc Central is a meeplepeople affiliate.. if you order through us it helps support our hosting costs.  If anyone wants to order something and help support CC, let me know.  I haven't put up our affiliate link yet, I'm working on re-templating the front page of the site first.

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: Nors on February 26, 2008, 12:55:30 am
I sent an e-mail to the folks at MeeplePeople asking whether the big meeple, pig, builder, etc. would be available in the future. Got a very quick reply that they are hoping to have them available by Christmas.
Hi there (first post ;D)

Just asked again, they hope to have the shipment send from Germany in a week or two...

Title: Re: Designer Meeples
Post by: Joff on February 26, 2008, 08:30:13 am
Info on obtaining other meeples (including big follower, pig and builder) see this topic: (