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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: meepleater on April 16, 2009, 03:21:04 am

Title: (exp4exp:2) Fountain of Youth
Post by: meepleater on April 16, 2009, 03:21:04 am
Second expansion for expansions. Tiles only, no new rules.

Fountain of Youth
(Apothecaries and Tithes, Wells)(Watermark- Mushroom)

People in Carcassonne are desiring to be young, and so look to apothecaries for aid. Unfortunately, many remedies require water, and wells are seeming scarce, to more wells must be built. As apothecaries were founded by the monks, they rely on tithe barns for donations and have constructed even more...
1. CCRR curved city and road. The city should be both besieged (with a Cathar symbol) and contain an apothecary. The road should have a well.
2. FRRR a three way junction (with a farm at the centre, like the base game). The bottom-most road should contain a well, the biggest field a tithe barn.
3. CCCR city (with an apothecary) connected to a road (with a well).
4. RFRF straight road with a well, and a tithe barn in each field (so if you win but you only own one field, you get 24 points, but if there is a tie you only lose 14 (both barns get scored at once).
5. CRCR a straight road (with a well) and a city cap on each side. One field should have a tithe barn, one city should be besieged.
6. CRCF two city caps with a road connecting to both of them (like in wishwells) the road should have a well, and the big field opposite the road should have a tithe barn.
7. CCRR one road, two cities. The road has a well, one city an apothecary and the other is besieged.
8. FFFR road ending in well roundabout, with tithe barn in field.
9. CRRF city with road curving past. Well on road and tithe barn in field by city.
10. CFRR city with road curving past. Well on road and tithe barn in field by city. (mirror of above)
11. CRRF city with road curving past. Well on road and apothecary in city.
12. CFRR city with road curving past. Well on road and apothecary in city. (mirror of above)

Title: Re: (exp4exp:2) Fountain of Youth
Post by: The Juts on September 24, 2010, 04:47:54 am
I have played with the Wells and me and my wife like it very much. But with Fountain of Youth there is a tile with a besieged cloister. I can't find nowhere how to use this tile. What are the rules with this one? Really want to know. ??? 8)

Title: Re: (exp4exp:2) Fountain of Youth
Post by: meepleater on September 24, 2010, 05:53:32 pm
Replied to your PM...