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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: meepleater on April 16, 2009, 03:19:48 am

Title: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants *CANCELLED*
Post by: meepleater on April 16, 2009, 03:19:48 am
First expansion for expansion. Tiles only, no new rules.

Fruit and Timber Merchants
(Fruit Traders, Kettle of Fish, Apple a Day, Timber!, Wells, Traders and Builders)(Watermark- pineapple)
In Carcassonne, pinapples and other tropical fruits are becoming more sought after, but require more water to keep alive while travelling, so more wells have been allocated along roads to keep the trade prosperous, and an increase of wood has also been required to help aid the traders.
1. RFRF straight road with a well and a pinapple trade good.
2. SRSR a straight river, but two roads ending. One has a well and the other a pineapple trade good.
3. RRFF a cloister, and two roads connecting to it. One road should have a well, and the cloister should have a pineapple trade good.
4.RRSS curved road and river. Road should have a well and the river a fish trade good.
5. CSSR city cap. One road should enter the city from the left, and the river should go from the bottom to the right. The river should have a fish token.
6. CRSS mirror image of above, with same well and fish token.
7. WWWR forest with a road leaving. The road should have a well, and forest wood trade good.
8. SRSF river with road ending at well (like in wishing wells) with fish good on river.
9. CRCR two city caps with roads running between and connecting to cities (like I&C, two separate roads). Each road should have a well, and one city should have a wheat token, the other besieged.
10. WRFR forest cap with road running past, with well, inn and magic apple trade good.
11. WRWR one forest with road running through, with well and wood trade good.
12. WFRF forest cap with road going straight ahead, a cloister between road and forest. Well on road, wood trade good on forest.

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants
Post by: Novelty on April 16, 2009, 04:35:41 am
Trade good count (excluding this, and only those involved in the discussion.)
Wine: 9 (T&B)
Grain: 6 (T&B)
Cloth: 5 (T&B)
Pineapple: 6(Fruit Trader)
Apple: 8 (6Apple A Day, 2 Forest Fairy Tales)
Wood: 13 (12T!, 1Forest Fairy Tales)
Fish: 8 (KoF)

Your proposed expansion adds 3 pineapple trade goods and 4 fish trade goods and 3 wood trade goods (and 1 Apple and 1 Grain).  That brings the total to 7 grain, 9 apples, 9 pineapples, 16 wood and 12 fish.  It would make cloth (only 5 tokens) 3 times as powerful as timber (16 tokens).  I made the Timber tokens to be weak (because timber is relatively cheap) and kept fish about the same as wine.  Adding more of these will just make them a lot weaker, and no one would be able to use them in future expansions without making these trade goods worth a lot less.

The good thing about the Fruit Traders expansion is that it makes the pineapple trade goods rather rare.  That's because the story behind them is that these have to be imported from the tropics.  The other thing to remember is that pineapple tokens work very differently from the other trade goods tokens.  IMO Making as many pineapple trade goods as wine would make it lose its flavour and make it a lot more powerful and unbalanced.

To be really honest, I think this expansion is a rather bad idea as it would unbalance the delicate trade goods equation (i.e make pineapples as cheap as wine!), make some of the trade goods way too powerful (cloth, for one, and pineapples as the other) and reduce the possibility of future expansions to include these 5 trade goods in their expansions (if required).  I would prefer to see a pineapple trade goods with wells tile, maybe as part of a collected expansion (for example, the Wizard of Oz) just for the flavour.  A good example would be a 15 tile expansion with one pineapple trade good, 1 apple trade good and 13 fruits (grapes? oranges? something that they grow in France and is a lot more common than wine in France) trade goods tiles.  [And if you continue with the theme that fruit trade goods does funny things, that would be great!]

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants
Post by: meepleater on April 16, 2009, 05:25:59 pm
Fine- skip this expansion then and only have the other two for now... the other expansion I'm working on at the moment involves a new trade good...

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants
Post by: Novelty on April 16, 2009, 07:31:13 pm
Sorry about that.  I know you put in a lot of hard work into this.

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants
Post by: meepleater on April 16, 2009, 07:53:08 pm
not really...

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants
Post by: meepleater on April 16, 2009, 08:14:44 pm
oh, you might want to remove this from expansion in development thread, since it's over...

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants
Post by: Novelty on April 16, 2009, 08:18:42 pm
I've replaced it with Cocoa Merchants!

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants
Post by: CKorfmann on April 16, 2009, 10:40:10 pm
Trade good count (excluding this, and only those involved in the discussion.)
Apple: 8 (6Apple A Day, 2 Forest Fairy Tales)

I counted 7 regular and 8 special apples in Apple a Day, and 3 from Fairy Tales for a total of 18 apples.  Do I have the most current version?

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants
Post by: Novelty on April 16, 2009, 10:46:26 pm
Only 6 tiles with apple trade goods icons in Apple a Day and 2 tiles with apple trade goods icons in FFT.  You may get more than 6 token thanks to the apple rules.

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants *CANCELLED*
Post by: CKorfmann on April 17, 2009, 12:43:50 am
I realized that when I read through the rules again.  There I go commenting before I read the thing thoroughly again!   :(3

Title: Re: (exp4exp:1) Fruit and Timber Merchants *CANCELLED*
Post by: Novelty on April 17, 2009, 02:05:17 am
It's OK.  I don't think you're expected to remember everything.  But your point is valid, a player may have more than 8 apple trade goods.