Title: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: CKorfmann on April 02, 2009, 08:18:18 pm I saw on a thread somewhere (not sure if it was here or another site) that the posters family referred to the big meeple as "Bruno." I kinda like that. I think I might call the Mayor "Thunder Thighs." ;D
What are some meeple (or tile) nicknames you use? Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: hester on April 03, 2009, 04:33:15 am My brother-in-law has a red meeple that is missing most of one arm. He had a nickname for that one, "the one-armed avenger" or something like that, and likes to use it predominantly for stealing features from other players. ::) Other than that, we usually don't use nicknames for our meeples (nor tiles).
However, in a recent shipment I received one that only has half a leg (luckily it can still stand upright). Maybe I should create a name for it to stand up against the avenger... ;) Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: CKorfmann on April 03, 2009, 10:28:05 am Sounds like a peg leg. Maybe Blackbeard or Bluebeard (or whatever color it is). :D
Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: meepleater on April 03, 2009, 04:59:02 pm I got a black mega-meeple in I&C that was missing half of all his arms and legs, which annoyed me (being a perfectionist). However, my friend loved it and so I traded it to him for his perfectly good one...
Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: metoth on April 05, 2009, 06:45:33 pm We call the mayor meeple "Mayor Hammerpants" after MC Hammer.
We have one black meeple that is oddly much smaller than the other regular meeples. My husband calls that one "Reeple" after me. My nickname is Ree, and I am under five feet tall. Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Kanomike on April 07, 2009, 01:59:48 am I will put a slight twist to this ... when I play with my kids they line up all their Meeple and then give them footballers names from their fav teams. Get a little confusing when your about half way through and they have lost track of who they put where but it is fun.
Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Deatheux on April 08, 2009, 09:43:20 pm the mayor = fat A**!!!!
the builder = whip big meeple = dumb bas***d regular meeple : bootleg, midget, stealth, l'curé, score, grasseater, funky monk pig = lovely piggy or hummmmm ribs tower = inquisition masterpiece barn = farmer's morgue and i'll keep shutted the nick that we gave to the players depending of the situations in the game, 21 years old & plus, --priests... keep away-- p.s. i will keep it shutte cuz if i aleready get banned from here due to the word "sque*** head" i will be executed in the first place. good gaming! Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: chr15lynn on April 09, 2009, 02:04:14 am the builder = Buildar
big meeple = Bigor pig = Pigor Some tiles have names too....like 'Clawdar' (the one that looks like a claw) and 'Gash' My brother and his crazy ways ::) Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Wishmaster on April 09, 2009, 03:34:29 pm We call a tile city a "Pasty" - Well I do live in Devon (South-West England) ;D
Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: CKorfmann on April 09, 2009, 10:39:26 pm We call the mayor meeple "Mayor Hammerpants" after MC Hammer. I think my wife thought of the same thing! Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Scott on April 10, 2009, 08:31:44 am On a semi-related note, my brother's friends call the cloister a klooster because they know somebody with the last name klooster.
Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Deatheux on April 11, 2009, 07:58:08 am the cloister is called "a dumb"
the shrine = back house cc = the metropolis a huge castle = an empire a 2 tiles castle = pig house a long road = a rollercoaster a "O" road = a rink Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: chr15lynn on April 11, 2009, 12:20:18 pm the cloister is called "a dumb" a 2 tiles castle = pig house a long road = a rollercoaster a "O" road = a rink LOL....I like these :D Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: arbaon322 on April 30, 2009, 02:35:32 pm We have some weird ones :P
The bulider = Skinny Guy (I'm not sure who came up with that. It's odd.) Giant meeple = big guy (how creative) Cloister = Butt cloister ( I have no idea who came up with this. But it's funny to hear someone yell "I got a butt cloister!" Oh and mom calls them oysters) The mayor = Thunder Thighs circular roads = jogging rinks Once my mom made a HUGE city that had at least six or seven of the trade goods from T&B in it and I capped the city off and she called me (jokingly) a "commodity wh*re". So, in the next game, when she did the same thing to me, we made up a theme song for her :P Not very kid-friendly, but very funny. The song starts off with "ding-dong" like a doorbell so whenever my little sisters are playing with us, we just do that part of it and giggle because they don't understand :) And we have made all sorts of cities that have a distinct shape. "Heart city", "worm city", "bone city". I made one once that looked like a squirrel and my aunt made a cat. It was awesome! We name everything, though. I wish I could think of more right now, lol. Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Johngee on May 05, 2009, 08:18:07 pm The nicknames that we use vary from session to session and among the various players at the table and what sort of mood everyone is in that evening and also by how much we've all had to drink prior to starting. However, the ones I've heard most often are these:
The eight Follower Meeple(s) -- Inky, Blinky, Rinky, Dinky, Kinky, Minky, Slinky, and Po the accountant ...or... sometimes Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Bashful, Doc and Ed the bookie (for bookkeeper / scorekeeper). The Big Guy Meeple -- The Big Guy Meeple (obliously), Double Meeple, Foreman Meeple, Boss Meeple, Thug Meeple, also Clyde. The Builder Meeple -- Bob. The Pig Meeple -- Piggy, Piglet, Porky, Hogwash, Hamrocks, and Bacon (when being threatened by the Dragon). The Count Meeple -- Dracula, and also Point-sucking S.O.B. The Dargon Meeple -- *T*H*E* *D*R*A*G*O*N* (in deep base tones with the theme music from "Jaws" in background), and yes... as per a suggestion on the BGG web site ...we do make chomping and chewing noises whenever the Dragon devours an oponent's meeple and crys for help when it eats one of our own. The Fairy Meeple -- The Fairie, the Pixie, Tinker Bell, the little white star-shaped thingie, the Klansman, the KKK'er, and the Dragon Blocker. The Mayor Meeple -- Mr. Baggie Pants, The Party Boss, The Politician, and Newt. The Wagon Meeple -- Hotrod or Slider (because it slides onto the next unoccupied feature). The Barn Meeple -- The Collective, The Co-Op, The Mega-Farm, or Mega-farmer-tron the farm destroyer. * Because we began our Carcassonne adventure with our friends from church who had small children who sometimes participated, we wanted to downplay the violent nature of soldiering Knights in the town features and the immoral and illegal activities of Thieves on the road features, so we came up with nicknames for them as well: The Knight Meeples -- we simply call Townsmen, Town Meeple, or City Dwellers. The Thief Meeples -- have become for us Travelers or Traveling Salesmen, and sometimes Roadies when the placing player starts singing a chorus or two of "On the road again..." Finally, we have always call the Cloisters : Monasteries, but those terms are somewhat interchangeable any way. I guess it was my mistaken belief that Cloisters were only for women (Nuns) and that all liturgically oriented men (Monks) went into a Monastery only. Recently we added the The Cult Shrines and Heritics -- but whatever we decide to call them, we always stand these Meeple on it's head to differentiate them from the upright Knights and Thieves and the lying down Farmers ...and thus, they have gained the nickname: Holy-Rollers. Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Joual on May 07, 2009, 04:05:09 am Our mayor is usually refered to as MC Hammer, and the big meeple is called Hagrid. No explaination needed, I think :-)
Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Johngee on May 08, 2009, 04:55:47 pm Hagrid ... I like that and may have to use it next time I play with my HP reading grnadson.
I realize that after my very lengthy previous post that I had forgotten one... We sometime call the Catapult: Salad Tongs or Tweezers. Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Deatheux on May 11, 2009, 07:06:41 pm the big meeple is called Hagrid. No explaination needed, I think :-) can you please explain to a 2nd class english grill? also what in the world mean fnords?? i see it in a game on BSW... p.s. i just hope that that very word will not BAN me again... Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: CKorfmann on May 11, 2009, 08:24:18 pm the big meeple is called Hagrid. No explaination needed, I think :-) can you please explain to a 2nd class english grill?Hagrid is a character from Harry Potter. He is a very large person. Can you please explain a "2nd class english grill?" ;) Quote also what in the world mean fnords?? i see it in a game on BSW... Do you mean "fjords?"Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Joual on May 12, 2009, 05:54:08 pm Can you please explain a "2nd class english grill?" ;) I have a feeling that it doesn't refer to Deatheux own time in school, since he's probably French. Or french canadian, and then he understands my nickname. And on topic again: Our bulider's name is Eric. He's named after a good friend who's an engineer, and a very peaceful guy. The thoguht of someone who can help you bulid more efficiently but doesn't get involved in fights fits our Eric like a glove! Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Deatheux on May 12, 2009, 10:11:19 pm yes i am quebecer, so english is my 2nd language,
fnords and not "Fjords"(like in Saguenay and a few other places in the world...) fnords have a certain specific slang term... i see on SJ Games and on wiki. finally a joual is certainly some of my fav way of expression(like 2nd class grill!!) btw do joual and slang are equivalent?? p.s. i know nothing on Harry potter, that,s why i din't know for Hagrid... Title: Re: What are your meeple nicknames? Post by: Marty on August 29, 2009, 03:31:20 pm Hi,
we call the fairy: Gandalf, because my friend who bought the game, is a big fan of Lord of the rings and the fairy figure looks a lot like the white wizard. |