Title: Plague and meteor Post by: CKorfmann on March 30, 2009, 02:48:59 pm I know there have been serveral discussions on how the plague should work. One of the ideas I saw was on a Facebook group page discussing ideas for the "Creativity" tiles. It was one tile that had effects in a radius from it. There are several ideas for these effects from killing off meeples to making them less valuable.
A similar idea was the meteor. This is similar to the plague idea where its effects are concerned, but it can be placed anywhere on the board (even on top of a previously played piece) and it not only kills meeples in a three-tile radius, but you also completely remove the tiles in a two-tile radius from play. Perhaps the tile could have a picture of a crater on it and it could stay where it was initially placed. These are not my original ideas and I don't remember where I saw them, but I thought they were cool and worth talking about. Title: Re: Plague and meteor Post by: Novelty on March 31, 2009, 01:38:04 am The Plague is a German fan-made expansion. If you read german, you can read more about it here (http://carcassonne-city.blogspot.com/2007/04/die-pest.html).
Title: Re: Plague and meteor Post by: CKorfmann on March 31, 2009, 01:58:44 am Nope, I don't read German. Even with my good German name. Thanks though.
Title: Re: Plague and meteor Post by: bufferm44 on March 31, 2009, 08:07:57 am I created some new tiles for that, but I can't upload them today... Later if you want...
Title: Re: Plague and meteor Post by: Scott on March 31, 2009, 08:49:54 pm http://translate.google.ca/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcarcassonne-city.blogspot.com%2F2007%2F04%2Fdie-pest.html&sl=de&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 (http://translate.google.ca/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcarcassonne-city.blogspot.com%2F2007%2F04%2Fdie-pest.html&sl=de&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-8)
Quote "The Black Death" has found its way into the medieval Carcassonne. Gnadenlos rafft der Sensenmann die Bevölkerung in den Städten dahin. Mercilessly rafft the Grim Reaper, the population in the cities then. Dennoch gibt es Hoffnung – Ein Medicus zieht durch die Lande und wirkt gleichsam als Pestschutz. Yet there is hope - a Medicus moves through the country and acts as a Pestschutz. Jetzt entbrennt die Schlacht um die Städte – Keiner kann sich jetzt mehr sicher sein eine von ihm erbaute Stadt auch dauerhaft behalten zu können. Now the battle erupt around the cities - No one can now more secure one of the city also built him permanently retain them. Die Pest besteht aus 12 Plättchen, die man über ebay bekommen kann, selbstverständlich mit einer ausführlicher Anleitung! The plague consists of 12 plates, one on ebay can get, obviously with a detailed instruction! Title: Re: Plague and meteor Post by: CKorfmann on April 08, 2009, 11:17:44 pm I'd like to see your tiles buff.