Carcassonne Central

The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: Novelty on March 27, 2009, 08:35:40 am

Title: Woodlands (new Forests expansion)
Post by: Novelty on March 27, 2009, 08:35:40 am
This will be the Forests analog of Tributaries.  So this will have forest with catapult fairs, and forests tiles with two of the following icons:

knight princess
city shields (blue & white and red & yellow)
woodsmen guild
cherry icons.

I think this will also have 30 tiles.

1. catapult fairs - 3 tiles
2a. woodsmen guild with city pennants (blue & white) - 3 tiles
2b. woodsmen guild with city pennants (red & yellow) - 3 tiles
2c. woodsmen guild with city pennants (blue & white and red & yellow) - 1 tile
3a. inn on road and woodsmen guild icon - 1 tile
3b. inn on road and cherry icon - 1 tile
4. woodsmen guild & cherry icons - 3 tiles

5a. cherry icons with city pennants (blue & white) - 3 tiles
5b. cherry icons with city pennants (red & yellow)- 3 tiles
5c. cherry icons with city pennants (blue & white and red & yellow) - 1 tile
6. cherry icons & dragon logo - 1 tile
7. cherry icon & pig farm - 1 tile
8. woodsmen guild & dragon logo - 1 tile
9. magic portal & woodsmen guild - 1 tile
10. cherry icon and the knight - 1 tile
11. besieged city & swan - 1 tile
12. cherry icons & volcano - 1 tile
13. woodsmen guild & volcano - 1 tile

Title: Re: Woodlands (new Forests expansion)
Post by: Novelty on April 11, 2009, 01:55:01 am
OK, I've done 1, 3a, 3b and 4.  Here's one of the tiles from 4.

Edit: Here's all of page one (

Title: Re: Woodlands (new Forests expansion)
Post by: CKorfmann on April 11, 2009, 12:23:27 pm
This will be the Forests analog of Tributaries.  So this will have forest with catapult fairs, and forests tiles with two of the following icons:


Don't you mean Princess?   ;D

Looks good!

Title: Re: Woodlands (new Forests expansion)
Post by: chr15lynn on April 11, 2009, 12:26:01 pm
Fantastic work.....these look great!

Title: Re: Woodlands (new Forests expansion)
Post by: Novelty on April 17, 2009, 10:16:37 am
Don't you mean Princess?   ;D
Ouch.  That icon really does look like a knight.  Edited and corrected.  Thanks for letting me know.

OK, I'm gonna call this one done!  It's on the Public Downloads page.