Title: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Bixby on March 26, 2009, 09:22:47 am I will use this post to collect information on gaming and gamer resources. Feel free to post your additions in this thread and I will update the first post with the collected information
Must Visit Board Game Sites Board Game Geek (The definitive resource for Board Games) - http://www.boardgamegeek.com Extended Stats for Board Game Geek - http://friendless.servegame.org/stats/index.html Board Game News - http://www.boardgamenews.com/ Sites dedicated to a Specific Game RoboRally - http://www.robofactory.de/ HeroScape - http://www.heroscapers.com/ Board Game Reviews, Blogs, & Podcasts Drakes Flames - http://drakesflames.blogspot.com/ Obsessed with Gaming (Lots of VIDEO Reviews) - http://www.obsessedwithgaming.com/ Basement Boardgamer Video Reviews - http://basementboardgamer.wordpress.com/ Garrett's Games & Geekiness - http://www.garrettsgames.com/ Board Game Podcasts - http://boardgamepodcasts.com/ Board Games With Scott - http://www.boardgameswithscott.com/ List of Game Videos - http://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/23763/ Board Game Companies & Board Game Supplies Carcassonne Shoppe - www.CarcassonneShoppe.com UK Based Board Game Extras - http://www.boardgameextras.co.uk Steve Jackson Games - http://www.sjgames.com/ Looney Labs - http://www.looneylabs.com/ Meeple People Gaming Products - http://www.meeplepeople.com/index.php G8 Game Timers - http://www.123oy.com/g8/GameTimer.html Board Game Clubs Flatland Regional Association of Gamers - http://www.reginagamers.com/ MeetUp = http://www.meetup.com/ Board Game Conventions BGG.CON (Dallas, Texas) - http://www.boardgamegeek.com/bggcon.php (Last Year Info) Origins - http://www.originsgamefair.com/ GenCON (Indianapolis, Indiana) - http://www.gencon.com/2009/indy/default.aspx FRAG (Regina, Saskatchewan) - http://www.reginagamers.com/convention.shtml FallCon (Calgary, Alberta) - http://www.fallcon.com/home.php Pandemonium (Toronto, Ontario) - http://www.realmsquest.org/pandemonium/ Hot Lead (Stratford, Ontario) - http://www.hotlead.ca/ Migscon (Hamilton, Ontario) - http://www.migscon.netfirms.com/ Great Canadian Baycon (Hamilton, Ontario) - http://www.greatcanadianbaycon.com/ Gryphcon (Guelph, Ontario) - http://www.gryphcon.org/ Phantasm (Peterborough, Ontario) - http://www.peterboroughathome.com/phantasm/ Toronto Area Boardgaming Society (Toronto, Ontario) - http://www.tabsonline.net/ Prairie Con (Brandon, Manitoba) - http://www.prairiecon.com/home.php Double Exposure (New Jersey) - http://www.dexposure.com/ Board Game Resources & Terrain Resources Headless Hollow Rules Summaries for Many Games - http://www.headlesshollow.com/ Dice Rolling Site (Good for roll and email results to GM) - http://www.rpglibrary.org/software/securedice/ The IceHouse Wiki - http://icehousegames.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page Wiki of game Designers - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_game_designers The War-Zone (Gaming Tables) - http://www.war-zone.com/shop/tabletops.html RogueScape Terrain Building - http://www.roguescape.com/portal/ Board Game Online Stores Empire Board Games - http://www.empireboardgames.com/empire-featured-board-games 401 Games, Toys & Sportscards - www.401games.ca (B&M) Boardgames 4 Us (Canada) - www.boardgames4us.ca BoardGames.ca / www.boardgames.ca Cel Collectibles - www.celcollectibles.com Craving For a Game - www.cravingforagame.ca Drexoll Games - www.drexollgames.com Fun Games Cafe - www.fungamescafe.com Gametrek.ca - www.gametrek.ca GameZillia - www.gamezilla.ca J&J Superstore - www.jjcards.com Le Valet D'Coeur - www.levalet.com Meeplemart Canada - www.meeplemart.com One Way Games - http://stores.ebay.ca/One-Way-Games_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZQ... Rainy Day Games - www.rainydaygames.ca Renaud Bray - www.renaud-bray.com Revolution Games & Music - www.revolution-games.com Sentry Box - www.sentrybox.com Stalag 17 Wargames - www.stalag17wargames.com Starlit Citadel - www.starlitcitadel.com The Comic Book Shoppe - www.thecomicbookshoppe.com The Comic Warehouse - www.thecomicwarehouse.com The German Board Game Company - www.germangames.com TheGameShop.ca - www.thegameshop.ca Tour de Jeux - www.tourdejeux.com Toys On Fire - www.toysonfire.ca Miscellaneous Play This Thing - http://playthisthing.com/ Abstract Stategy Games - http://abstractstrategygames.com/ Boardgame Player's Association - http://www.boardgamers.org/ The Othello Museum - http://www.beppi.it/public/OthelloMuseum/ Conflict Simulation World - http://www.consimworld.com/ Khet - http://www.khet.com/ Game Pack - http://www.gamepack.nl/ Davinci Games - http://www.davincigames.com/index_eng.cfm www.boardsandbits.com www.bouldergames.com www.cardhaus.com www.coolstuffinc.com www.daysofwonder.com www.dragontalongames.com www.eaglegames.net www.fairplaygames.com new.fantasyflightgames.com www.funagain.com www.gamersarmory.com www.gamesandjigsaws.com www.gateplay.com www.gmtgames.com www.gameink.net www.gameradventures.com www.amazingtape.com www.jklmgames.co.uk www.litkoaero.com www.lotechgames.com www.maukilo.com mayday-games.com (http://mayday-games.com) www.meeplepeople.com www.miniaturemarket.com www.nobleknight.com www.openlygeek.com www.riograndegames.com www.sci-fi-city.com www.timbertom.eu www.thoughthammer.com www.trollandtoad.com www.warfroggames.com www.wargamedepot.com www.windowsgames.co.uk www.zmangames.com Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Gantry on March 26, 2009, 10:37:55 am good list, will PM you some updates in the next day or two
Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Johngee on April 16, 2009, 01:10:32 pm YES...GREAT LIST -- and soon to become a valuable resource for one and all. Thanks for putting it together.
SUGGESTIONS: #1. Under the 'GAMING CLUBS' category... I suggest you include MEETUP~dot~Com < http://www.MeetUp.Com > -- it's FREE to join as a member, just a minor registration inconvneience and anyone can start a group for practically any purpose. I think there is a Usage Charge when you start a group, but I don't know how much $ is involved with that. Anyway, the nice thing about it is you can search their database for any topic such as "Carcassonne" or "Board Games" within a 5, 25, 50 or 100 mile radius of EVERY major city in the country and find a group of people there with that same interest, with whom you can then make contact and eventually "Meet-Up." I've done this pior to going on vacation and had new friends waiting for me when we arrived. I belong to Meetup/Boardgames_NJ/80, which has over 400 membere registered (only about 10% actively participate) and use the same moniker. #2. Also, under the 'CONVENTIONS' category... check out this organization's web site for specific references to each event: Double_Exposure, Inc. < http://www.Dexposure.Com > -- because they run quarterly gaming conventions (Dreamation-Feb, Spring Gathering-May, DexCon-July, and Southern Exposure-Sep) here in New Jersey in Woodbridge, Morristown, or Cherry Hill. They're not super-great, but they're loved by the locals who can't afford to venture to the REALLY Big Conventions and they do attract quite a few folks from the Mid Atlantic tri-state area of NJ, NY, PA, DE, & CT, who prefer the low key homey atmosphere of a small Con to the mass hysteria mob scene of the major ones. Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Bixby on April 16, 2009, 03:15:21 pm Thanks Johngee.
I added the meetup link. The doubleexposure link took me to a photography site. ??? Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Johngee on April 16, 2009, 06:42:46 pm OOOOPPPS...dang computers, they're sooo particular about the way you spell web addresses. Sorry about that! Actually I did not expect anyone to read my comments and attempt to go there so soon. The Baricuda Firewall on my office computer systematically blocks me from accessing half of my favorite sites and I intended to Edit my Post as soon as I got home and had dinner. Anyway, I corrected the information originally posted above and for your convneience here is the link again...
Try this one for Double_Exposure, Inc. < http://www.Dexposure.Com > ~John G. P.S. I just tried it and it works this time. Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Bixby on April 17, 2009, 01:07:08 am Thanks. Added.
Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Gantry on April 17, 2009, 01:59:15 am good list, will PM you some updates in the next day or two and by day I mean weeks *cough* Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Bixby on April 17, 2009, 08:36:46 am No worries Gantry. Whenever convenient.
Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Bixby on August 11, 2009, 09:41:44 am good list, will PM you some updates in the next day or two Gantry: This is your friendly quarterly reminder. ;) Everyone: If you have links or favourites that are gaming related, post them here and I will add to the list. -Bixby Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Gantry on August 11, 2009, 09:17:55 pm lol, well how about Play This Thing! (http://playthisthing.com/), which only rarely covers board games, but then again they once covered Carcassonne (http://playthisthing.com/carcassonne) so I guess they'd be a fit in "Miscellaneous". Although the Carc writeup was a little bland, often they have very interesting articles.
PS - the reminder period should be changed to semi-annually Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Joff on September 05, 2009, 11:53:03 am For those in the UK, and since they deal with extra meeples, expansions, spin-offs and a UK exclusice - the Carcassonne Box, how about http://www.boardgameextras.co.uk (http://www.boardgameextras.co.uk)
Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Bixby on September 06, 2009, 01:25:34 am For those in the UK, and since they deal with extra meeples, expansions, spin-offs and a UK exclusice - the Carcassonne Box, how about http://www.boardgameextras.co.uk (http://www.boardgameextras.co.uk) Thanks!! Added. Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: sangamkumar177 on January 03, 2011, 03:53:19 am Your source for great games and books for any occasion. We don’t sell everything out there, just the best: books that will feed the thirst for knowledge, and games that will get your neurons humming and provide plenty of family fun.
Foreign Language Games BOARD & STRATEGY GAMES http://www.skymindgames.com (http://www.skymindgames.com) Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: aeoliner on February 04, 2011, 03:44:38 pm For game clubs I suggest, since I am a member of it, Games Club of Maryland http://www.gamesclubofmd.org/ (http://www.gamesclubofmd.org/)
Also on this site the are links to several conventions, resources and such, that you could add as well if you so desire Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: CKorfmann on February 04, 2011, 03:56:18 pm For those in the UK, and since they deal with extra meeples, expansions, spin-offs and a UK exclusice - the Carcassonne Box, how about http://www.boardgameextras.co.uk (http://www.boardgameextras.co.uk) The link for the carc box is dead... well, empty anyway. Title: Re: Some Resources for Board Games and Gamers Post by: Carcatronn on November 23, 2011, 03:06:14 pm I might as well add www.CarcassonneShoppe.com (http://www.CarcassonneShoppe.com) to the list for board games and supplies, etc. :)