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Off Topic => Other Games => Topic started by: Joff on March 15, 2009, 02:30:51 am

Title: Other Games we MIGHT enjoy
Post by: Joff on March 15, 2009, 02:30:51 am
...Dungeon Twister (never played yet)... ...and I guess I'll buy JUMANJI just or the fun, and may be Railroad Tycoon or Age of Steam...

The quote by koolkat got me thinking. What games do you own that you have not yet played or what games do you want to play but have not yet purchased?

Games I own but have not yet played

I have City and Guilds, but have never played it!

Games I want to play, but don't own

Railroad Tycoon
Pillars of the Earth
A Castle for all Seasons

Title: Re: Other Games we MIGHT enjoy
Post by: canada steve on March 15, 2009, 03:08:30 am
Had Railroad Tycoon and sold it. Not a bad game but you must have at least three players to make it worthwhile. The European Expansion is good too.

Title: Re: Other Games we MIGHT enjoy
Post by: Tobias on March 15, 2009, 03:42:50 am
I own Here I stand, but has so far not been able to play it, sadly.

Title: Re: Other Games we MIGHT enjoy
Post by: Scott on March 15, 2009, 09:26:25 am
I haven't been able to play half my Carc expansions, Castle, or AotC. :'(

We've got a whole closet full of games, most of which I picked up at second-hand stores, and many of them we only played once (some not at all). It seems to become increasingly difficult to get my family to play games; they spend most of their time watching TV.

I would like to play the Catan Card Game. I have a slight hunch that it might appeal to me.

Title: Re: Other Games we MIGHT enjoy
Post by: Tobias on March 15, 2009, 03:00:12 pm
I haven't been able to play half my Carc expansions, Castle, or AotC. :'(

We've got a whole closet full of games, most of which I picked up at second-hand stores, and many of them we only played once (some not at all). It seems to become increasingly difficult to get my family to play games; they spend most of their time watching TV.

I would like to play the Catan Card Game. I have a slight hunch that it might appeal to me.

Do as I did and throw out the TV (well, I did not bring it with me when I moved). Lots of time for good stuff - like board games :)

Catan the card game is okay, but not among the best in its genre. It obviously depends on what you are looking for though.

Title: Re: Other Games we MIGHT enjoy
Post by: Bixby on March 26, 2009, 08:58:32 am
Games I own but have not yet played
Twilight Struggle
Hammer Of The Scots
Dream Blade
Cowboys: Way Of The Gun
Villa Paletti

Games I want to play, but don't own
Railroad Tycoon
Pillars of the Earth
Warhammer Quest
Twilight Imperium III

Title: Re: Other Games we MIGHT enjoy
Post by: Gantry on March 26, 2009, 10:39:00 am
I think there is an open source computer version of railroad tycoon somewhere

Title: Re: Other Games we MIGHT enjoy
Post by: Bixby on March 26, 2009, 12:39:35 pm
I think there is an open source computer version of railroad tycoon somewhere

Thanks, but my wife and I really have a hard time playing anything on the computer. We get uninterested quickly. We are social gamers at heart, so playing online removes a lot of the enjoyment for us.