Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: rbilabronze on February 24, 2009, 12:38:20 am

Title: Catapult -- Seduction
Post by: rbilabronze on February 24, 2009, 12:38:20 am
If the seduction token lands on the game board is it the closest opponent's follower that can be swapped.  The rules didn't seem to specify but since the other token can knock your own follower off the board it seems to follow that if the seduction token lands closest to your own follower that your own follower is the one that can be swapped if you wanted to (swap out small follower for big follower or mayor, etc.).  Any clarifications would be great.



I've also pulled up the RGG rules from their website and it has an extra sentence not included in the CAR (and possibly not in HIG rules (not sure)).  Which states "If the token comes to rest on the map, then the players determine which opponent’s follower is closest to the token and may use the measuring board in case of doubt...." See:  So according to RGG it has to be the closest "opponent's follower" But, according to CAR (and possibly HIG) it is unclear?

Any clarification would be appreciated and possibly this is a difference between HIG and RGG?


Title: Re: Catapult -- Seduction
Post by: Novelty on March 21, 2009, 08:13:18 am
Use the HiG rules where in doubt! :)

Title: Re: Catapult -- Seduction
Post by: Scott on March 21, 2009, 09:32:54 am
The HiG rules are considered the most authoritative, for reasons which I hope are obvious. In situations where the HiG and RGG rules disagree, HiG rules win.

There are also some situations where RGG has added a sentence here and there which is not present in and does not conflict with the HiG rules. This is because they felt that something needed clarification. IMHO, it's perfectly acceptable to go with the RGG clarifications. If at some later date Matt asks HiG and they respond with a decision contrary to RGG, then most of us switch to the HiG ruling. It's entirely up to each person whether they want to follow HiG or RGG rules, though I would personally encourage following HiG.