Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: rbilabronze on February 15, 2009, 08:35:39 pm

Title: Count and Shrine
Post by: rbilabronze on February 15, 2009, 08:35:39 pm
Hi.  I was wondering if a follower from the cathedral section of Carcassonne City can be deployed to a Shrine when it is being scored.  There didn't seem to be an explicit rule on it from the CAR but I assume it would be OK based on footnote 188 to version 5.0b4 to the Car which states "Question: Can a knight in a besieged city from The Cathers escape via a shrine, or only via a cloister?  Answer: The shrines are, for the most part, identical to cloisters.  That goes for escape as well."  So since "for the most part" they are the same I would think followers could be deployed from the Catherdral section of Carcassonne City to the shrine as well as to a cloister?  Any thoughts or clarifications would be appreciated.


Title: Re: Count and Shrine
Post by: meepleater on February 16, 2009, 02:37:15 am
Yes, a meeple may be moved from the cathedral to a cult as well...