Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Variant Workshop => Topic started by: Bixby on January 22, 2009, 08:12:59 am

Title: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: Bixby on January 22, 2009, 08:12:59 am
I also believe that the Trade Goods are kind of a non-issue in Mega-Carcassonne. Some of the scoring in Carcassonne is really predicated on smaller games with base set and perhaps 1 expansion. In a Mega-Carc game, 10 points is not really a factor.

There are 5 Ribbons, 6 Wheat, & 9 Barrels for trade goods. How about a simple table that increases their value depending on how many you have. This will create an incentive to collect multiples...

1 - 3 Points
2 - 7 Points
3 - 12 Points
4 - 18 Points
5 - 25 Points
6 - 33 Points
7 - 42 Points
8 - 52 Points
9 - 63 Points

1 - 4 points
2 - 9 Points
3 - 15 Points
4 - 22 Points
5 - 30 Points
6 - 39 Points

1 - 5 Points
2 - 11 Points
3 - 18 Points
4 - 26 Points
5 - 35 Points

Title: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: kissybooboo on January 24, 2009, 01:48:42 pm
More Canadian content, eh?

Bixby, you speak wisely. I also like this system.

The only challenge with this is that it isn't strictly scaled and the group has to decide when it's the right level for it to kick in, ie at what point are we playing mega-carc?

The scoring system has an element of poetry: Bolts of Cloth are worth more than barrels, but a monopoly of barrels is worth more than a monopoly of Cloth.

Once you get to 5 Barrels, it because really worthwhile getting each extra one, and this incentive is tantalizing. Plus, each good remains valuable to the last drop.

It is even less of a 'winner takes all' appraoch, which I am generally a fan of. Hopefully this means you also know that Canada's electoral system needs reform.  :)

Title: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: Bixby on January 25, 2009, 12:48:40 am
Ha ha ha - Good to hear from you Amigo.

We are having BixCon here in Mid February, (4 days of gaming). You really need to make a road trip to Regina!!!!

Title: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: Novelty on January 25, 2009, 10:14:44 am
You really need to make a road trip to Regina!!!!
Is everyone welcome to BixCon? :p  Although, isn't it below freezing in Canada that time of the year?

Title: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: Scott on January 25, 2009, 12:43:20 pm
In some parts of Canada, yes. Not all parts.

Title: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: Bixby on January 25, 2009, 06:38:54 pm
You really need to make a road trip to Regina!!!!
Is everyone welcome to BixCon? :p  Although, isn't it below freezing in Canada that time of the year?

Yeppers. We are a pretty open and friendly bunch. Gaming is even better when it is freakin' cold outside. :)

Title: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: kissybooboo on February 03, 2009, 09:15:33 am
Yes, but Regina is definitely freezing at that time of year.

I would love to be at Bixcon.  ;D

But I won't be able to make it.  :(

What's being played? Carcassone with scaled scoring for goods (just to keep this post on topic)?


Title: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: Bixby on February 03, 2009, 05:08:23 pm
Yes, sorry for the threadjack Matty. :(

I wonder if I should create a different thread for my table on scoring so as to keep the ideas separate and clean. Perhaps I will get an admin to split the thread...

(and yes, Carcassonne will be played at BixCON. :D )

Title: Re: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: Tobias on February 08, 2009, 12:06:07 pm
Topic split. Original discussion here (


Title: Re: Higher Value Trade Goods
Post by: Bixby on February 08, 2009, 01:12:11 pm
Thanks Tobias!