Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: Jeff B on January 29, 2009, 04:58:47 pm

Title: Roads with roundabouts
Post by: Jeff B on January 29, 2009, 04:58:47 pm

This is my first post to CC: I hope I haven't missed any discussion thread on this topic. I'm wondering how others have interpreted some interesting new fan-created tiles I've seen. If a road tile has a roundabout, circling a feature such as a well, and goes in three directions off the tile, how would one determine if the road is ended, for scoring purposes and awarding the robber baron tile? Must the road be terminated in all 3 directions? Or do end tiles in just two directions suffice? Does one count all the connected tiles for scoring or the robber tile, or just the longest completed road segment, similarly to the rule in Settlers of Catan (I know, this is a Carc forum....  :-X ) Thanks for any insight!
Jeff B

Title: Re: Roads with roundabouts
Post by: Tobias on January 29, 2009, 05:02:53 pm

This is my first post to CC: I hope I haven't missed any discussion thread on this topic. I'm wondering how others have interpreted some interesting new fan-created tiles I've seen. If a road tile has a roundabout, circling a feature such as a well, and goes in three directions off the tile, how would one determine if the road is ended, for scoring purposes and awarding the robber baron tile? Must the road be terminated in all 3 directions? Or do end tiles in just two directions suffice? Does one count all the connected tiles for scoring or the robber tile, or just the longest completed road segment, similarly to the rule in Settlers of Catan (I know, this is a Carc forum....  :-X ) Thanks for any insight!
Jeff B

All the branches of the road need to be "closed" in order to score it. And the length is the total sum of tiles that make up the road :)

Title: Re: Roads with roundabouts
Post by: Novelty on January 31, 2009, 10:32:21 am
I'm wondering how others have interpreted some interesting new fan-created tiles I've seen. If a road tile has a roundabout
The road with the roundabout isn't a fan-created tile.  It's from the expansion Abbey and Mayors, and the rules are also in Abbey and Mayors (which Tobias has stated above).  You can check out the expansion with the links below.

Rio Grande Games Abbey & Mayor's Page:
Rio Grande Games Abbey & Mayor Rules:

Title: Re: Roads with roundabouts
Post by: meepleater on January 31, 2009, 09:56:35 pm
I'm wondering how others have interpreted some interesting new fan-created tiles I've seen. If a road tile has a roundabout
The road with the roundabout isn't a fan-created tile.  It's from the expansion Abbey and Mayors, and the rules are also in Abbey and Mayors (which Tobias has stated above).  You can check out the expansion with the links below.

Rio Grande Games Abbey & Mayor's Page:
Rio Grande Games Abbey & Mayor Rules:

Don't forget the catapult expansion, that has one too...

Title: Re: Roads with roundabouts
Post by: Novelty on January 31, 2009, 11:36:50 pm
Don't forget the catapult expansion, that has one too...
But there's no rules for the roundabout in the Catapult :)