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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 01:16:51 am

Title: Log Cabins
Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 01:16:51 am
New fan-made expansion consisiting of:

12 tiles with log cabins (similar to Fish huts)

Mansion from Lord of the Manor has been moved to Fairy Tales.
2 tiles with fairs (from Catapult) with forest segments have been removed from this expansion.

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Lakoda on January 21, 2009, 01:30:23 pm
Awesome, I can't wait.  I am really looking forward to the fairground forests as well as creepy Castles in the woods.

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 06:20:36 pm
Maybe we should have a Dracula person as well.  Hey, we already have the meeple for it, we just need to paint it black :)

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Lakoda on January 21, 2009, 10:35:54 pm
That'd work, I never really liked the Count, it would be an excuse for me to buy that expansion.  What would he do?  Bring a meeple back from the dead?  Vampires usually do the blood drinking thing, the flying or turning into bats, and the spooky eye gaze thingy were they control you.  You could swap another players meeple for one of the same type in your color ... something along the lines of creating a vampire spawn out of people.  Or he could give you the power to control the tile placement or meeple placement of another player.  Those seem kind of high powered but getting 24 tiles is a challenge.

I kind of like the control another player's tile placement idea.  When the castle in the forest is finished, provided you had a follower on it, you get the Dracula meeple.  When another player draws a tile and is about to place it you may give them the Dracula meeple and they must let you place their tile for them (yes, you can play it after you see their tile, but it must be before it touches the playing surface ... all conflicts are resolved by whomever can swallow the most meeples in 6 seconds).  That player now controls the Dracula meeple and may use it when they choose.  You cannot use Dracula against a player who has already played Dracula them self, unless you are the last remaining player to use him.  After the every player has had a chance to use Dracula he retires to his coffin and is removed from play.

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 10:49:37 pm
Why does the Dracula have to do something?  Why can't it just sit in the spooky manor and look pretty? ;D

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Scott on January 22, 2009, 06:58:30 pm
You guys know that Dracula was not French right?  ;D

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Novelty on January 22, 2009, 07:31:25 pm
You guys know that Dracula was not French right?  ;D
Racist :) ;D

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Lakoda on January 22, 2009, 09:18:24 pm
You guys know that Dracula was not French right?  ;D
Racist :) ;D


And Dracula does not have to do anything, I was just brainstorming.  8)

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Novelty on January 23, 2009, 06:30:41 am
Heh, the brainstorming is fine.  I don't like the control another player's move though.  That's just griefy.  Howabout something that "breeds" more vampires?  i.e. if a Vampire bites a meeple, the meeple also becomes a Vampire, although I have no idea how to achieve it in the game and what bonus it should have.  Then we can also have the priest meeple which kills vampires if it's on the same square as the vamp, and the vampire hunter...

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Lakoda on January 23, 2009, 08:04:34 am
That's just griefy.

True.  I don't mind that, I actually kind of like that.  The tower, the p&d, and barns (IMO) are griefy too - which is why we only play with one of those expansions rules at a time (or we degrade into small children). 

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Novelty on February 12, 2009, 06:05:55 am
Lakota, if you haven't already seen, I've moved the manor to (Forest) Fairy Tales (featuring the Big Bad Wolf).

This was a fast one to do.  I like the log cabin blocking the road on some of these tiles.  Draft Rules and Tiles (  Comments welcome!

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Lakoda on February 12, 2009, 07:54:53 am
I had noticed, thank you!

This looks good to me.  I do have one idea to through out there though.  If you get points for having forest tiles on the corners the tile with only 1 (and to a lesser extend 2) forest edges are at a distinct disadvantage then tiles with 3 and 4 forest edges.  Not that this is a problem, I just felt it was worth bringing to light as a potential sticking point for some players.

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Novelty on February 12, 2009, 08:22:37 am
It may be a distinct disadvantage... but it may be an advantage.  It all depends on the luck of the draw and whether one gets "blocked" by other players to prevent them from getting an extra 2 points.  It all adds to the strategy.  The Log Cabins with 1 or 2 edges could also be used to join farms or to "close" forest segments.  One doesn't have to use the Log Cabin.

Title: Re: Log Cabins
Post by: Lakoda on February 12, 2009, 09:01:52 am
Right.  I guess I should play the mechanic before I start picking at it.